What's Up?

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*** Nia's Point of View***

I see Steve outside talking to the guards. He seems a bit tense, like he is anxious or something. But clearly the guards didn't see that. I heard him telling the guards that he needs me for the investigation. I think something is wrong.

"Nia come on, they can't find you package you need to get to your home and show me where exactly where did you hide that package. You can walk right?" the first thing he said.

"Yeah, your doctors using some tech on me. They fix me nicely." I lied to him and said it casually.

"Yeah, come on, we need to get out from here" he said.

Something is definitely up. I don't know what is it. But I guess it's nothing to do with the actual investigation. I just hope it's not Ida. When we get to his motorbike, I ask him what's wrong.

"Steve, is something is up? It's not about Ida is it?" I ask him.

"Well for starters we need to meet up with Fury and Nat. I'm going to tell you what happened on the way. Now let's get going and hop in." He said quickly.

On the way he told me about HYDRA that have been inside of SHIELD all this time. He told me about Fury's plan. He told me everything he knows. But what I keep wondering is it possible that Ida is right there in SHIELD Headquarters. It's definitely the safest place on earth and based on what Steve just told me I assume that HYDRA is SHIELD. I mean if they want to hide someone, they probably hid them in their headquarters which is SHIELD Headquarters. Ida could have been right under our noses this whole time. In no time we arrive at the meeting point that Fury set up for us to meet with him and with Nat.

"Hello, we haven't properly met. I'm Nick Fury but you can call me Fury" Someone suddenly appear behind us.

"I'm Nia." I said shortly

"Hey, so everybody is here and we've met. You know me, right?" Nat said.

"Yes." I said.

"Okay, now where are we going to? Going back to either of our place it's not safe." Steve said breaking the short silence.

"I may have a place, how about a farm house in the middle of nowhere?" I said and make them all turning and looking at me.

"Yeah. Umm, my family used to have this farmhouse. But since we never really used that farmhouse, we actually let the servers do whatever they want with the farm and let them make a living out of it. I think they are still there and I'm still welcome there. I just need to call them maybe we could go there?" I explain again to them.

"O kay, but are you sure? Because we need a safe place. Are you sure we will be save there?" Steve ask me.

"Yeah, just let me call them and tell them we are heading there." I said.

I call someone that I know there. She is actually my friend. She is one of the server's daughter and her mom used to bring her with in when I'm around. She said her family still use that farm and the actual farmhouse is empty and she told me I can use it anytime I want.

"Okay so the farmhouse is empty and we can used it as long as we want. The farmhouse is in Upstate New York and now I don't know how we going to get there." I said turning to them.

"Okay, you really got to tossed that phone away. They could track us with that phone. At least turn it off." Nat said sound pissed that I got my phone with me.

"Don't worry I got back up already on the way with a jet. We will get there soon in no time. Now let's notify the team where we are heading ang told them to meet us there and told them not to say a word." Fury said to us.

In no time a jet, quiet a small jet actually landed in the field not far away from where 4 of us met earlier. Turns out the backup is Agent Hill. I met her few times in the diner of course. She always spends few hours just drinking a coffee in front of her laptop doing some agent stuff, I guess. I told her where is the farmhouse roughly. The last time I went there is when I'm about 10 years old so I don't really know exactly where is it so I'm just guessing, hoping I'm right or Nat would be so pissed off. She hates me. I know that now.

The plane ride took couple hours since well we are going to New York. It's an awfully quite plane ride. Well, Fury and Agent Hill is talking but having a conversation that I barely follow, Nat hates me, obviously we are not going to talk about anything, and Steve's mind is somewhere else. I can see it in his eyes he is thinking about something, worried about something. I want to ask him what is wrong but honestly what can he say? We are on a run try to hide from HYDRA/SHIELD, everything is wrong.

I finally arrive in the farm house, well after few arguments about me not knowing where is it. My friend gives me the key and told me I can use the farm produce to eat. I ask her to give me privacy while I'm here, of course because we are on the run and it's better if the workers don't know that the Avengers are here. It's about 5pm when we arrive and I'm beat up. I go straight to one of the rooms that I used to use whenever I'm here.

"you can do whatever you want here. There are a few rooms upstairs you can sleep there, there is kitchen, living room with an old tv and sofa, and a dining room, I'm going to go upstairs to rest." I said and walked away.

But Nat's hand caught my hand and pull it "Don't you do anything stupid, especially with your phone still with you." She said and let go of my hand.

I give her an angry look and head upstairs without saying anything. She thinks I don't know that by now, of course I would not call my friend for back up or something, I'm not that stupid. I head to the bed, take my shoes off and lay down trying to sleep. It has been some day and the thought of Ida hit me. I really messed it up, my sister gives me one job to take care of her and I put her in even more danger.

"Oh Ida, I will get to you, I promise" I said to the ceiling

"We will find her." A familiar sound breaks the silence.

"Steve, why you are not downstairs helping Nat and Fury?"

"I just want to check on you. I'm sorry Nat is not so nice to you, she tends to do that to new people she met, she is just being careful. And I'm sorry I put you and Ida in danger." Steve said with a long sigh.

"I told you it's not your fault."

"But I can't help thinking that none of this would happen to you if I just stay away."

He come enter the room and sit beside me in the bed. He pulls me in and hug me so close. Probably one of the best hugs I ever have in my lifetime. I rest my head in his chest. He let out a long sigh.

"I think it might be better after all of this over we pretend everything never happen. Let's just pretend we never know each other." Steve said.

I pull myself away and look him the eyes "But why?"

He let out a long sigh, he clenches his jaw, looking at the wall in front of him, afraid to look at me in the eye "I'm dangerous, people around me in always in danger, I don't want you to looking at your back over and over waiting if someone might kill you or just waiting if someone want to kidnap you. I can't help myself feeling guilty. You have to understand it's not easy for me to make this decision. But please after this you have to stay away from me"

"Steve, look at me" I put my hands around his face and turn his face towards me "this happened not because of you, you don't need to feel guilty because it's none of your fault. And you can't make that decision without me because this also about me, this is about us, you can't just decide that I don't get to see you again. I know the risk and the danger, even if I don't see you anymore that doesn't mean that I'm free from all of those dangerous people. If the world itself is dangerous at least I know that I'm with you. Steve, you are the only person that makes me feel safe."

He sighs again and stand up "After the team arrive, our top priority is finding Ida, finding her is probably our best chance to finding out who is behind HYDRA" he said that and walk out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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