We Need to Get Out From Here

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"Nia you need to tell me more, like how do you know it was HYDRA?" I start questioning her. I was confused since, well, HYDRA is gone as I remember it. All of the members of HYDRA are either dead or in prison somewhere and I believe most of them are dead.

"The package that I get in the mail have some HYDRA symbol in it, like the octopus thing, right?"

"Where did you know that?"

"I read about you Steve, you are famous and you are most famous for taking down HYDRA and because of them also you went to the ice. I do research and honestly I think everybody know that, since you are very famous." She explains

"Well in that case, as you said HYDRA is famous and everybody probably knows that it is possible that someone just trying to copied, pretending to be HYDRA. But, why would anyone do that? Is there anyone you know maybe do this kind of stunt?"

"Steve, they clearly wanted information from SHIELD. I'm not the target here. The actual target is you guys. Anyone I know would not do that thing. The real question is who have the most benefit with your cases info?" She said.

She is right, she is just a tool to get to me which Is the one that they targeted. What do they one with these old cases info? And why they targeting me in particular? There are so many questions in my head and Nia doesn't know the answer of any of that question.

"I want to see the package that you receive from whoever this is, you still keep it?"

"Yes, you can tell your guys it's under my couch the only safe place around my apartment." She answers briefly.

Her eyes look sad and scared. I want to hug her and tell her it's okay. It kills me to see her like that without comforting her.

"I'm sorry. I really do love you Steve. I'm sorry I betrayed your trust like that. I should've told you this when I first got the package. I'm just worried about Ida." She breaks the silence.

"No, I should be the one who apologize. I'm the one who put you and Ida in danger. I knew this relationship wouldn't be easy. But I didn't know this would happen. First date and your life are already in danger."

I wish I knew this would end like this. Nia is in danger, her niece is abducted, just because they want information from me. I feel bad, she is scared for her life before and it seems that I made it worse. I just hope Ida is alright.

"You don't need to apologize Steve. You did nothing wrong and meeting you was the best thing that ever happen for me. You make my life so much happier and you make me feel saver. You don't need to apologize for that." She said with a smile.

"Thank you, Nia." I said hugging her so close "You need to stay here for few days okay? I want you to be safe until we figure out who is behind this." I said cupping her face.

"Steve, I know you don't trust me anymore. But I do love you and I really want us to work out. I don't mean to hurt you in any way and thank you for everything with Ida." She said before I leave the room.

I set up a couple team to look for Ida and also a team to figure out who is the one behind the phone that Nia been using to communicate and of course who is the mystery guy that been following Nia for days. But I suddenly got a call from Natasha telling me to head up to Nick Fury's office. She said Fury got something he would like to discuss with me and Nat.

"What all this is about Nat? I got to head back downstairs soon they may have a lead."

"Yeah about that, Fury got something to say" Nat answer briefly

Fury then close every window in his office and turn off every camera and microphone in his office. It's like he is making sure no one hear us.

"HYDRA is still alive inside SHIELD." Fury break his silence.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" I ask him.

"I have been doing some investigation on this and your girl downstairs is confirming my suspicion about HYDRA growing inside of SHIELD."

"How?" I ask him again still confused.

"You see, the case info that you telling her a lot of it is being redacted in the official case file in the SHIELD system, I have been doing that to the case report because I want to see if it's true. My hypothesis if HYDRA is growing inside SHIELD, they would want to get to that file he would use someone as a mole and they did." Fury explains

"But why they need that case info so bad? What are they looking for?" Nat start questioning this time.

"That, I don't know just yet but I think they are trying to find our weak spot, our mistake, so they can publish it and here we are, SHIELD as a treat to a society." Fury answer.

"I got to get Nia out of here I don't know if we can trust anyone at this point" I said to him while rushing down to go to Nia and get her somewhere safe.

"Steve, we are going to get Nia out of here, quietly" Fury said trying to stop me.

"Okay, but where we going to take her?" I ask

"I have no idea yet but we going to make a plan as we go. Now the most important thing is to get of here. We going to contact the rest of our team when we have a plan figure out."

I go down stairs with Natasha and told here to get out first because I got to get Nia out.

"I have to get her somewhere" I said to the guard in front of her door.

"Sir, this girl is still a suspect we can just let her go." One of them said to me

"Don't worry I will keep my eye on here. I need to get her to her house so she can help with the investigation"

"Okay sir but we need some authorization first."

"Nick Fury ask me to get her out"

They looked at each other and discuss it with one another.

"Okay but make sure you get her back here because we don't know if she is a treat or not just yet." One of the guards said

"Nia come on, they can't find you package you need to get to your home and show me where exactly where did you hide that package. You can walk right?" I said to her.

"Yeah, your doctors using some tech on me. They fix me nicely." She said not being able to read my anxious mind.

"Yeah, come on, we need to get out from here" I said.

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