Who is He?

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Sunday night arrives and I don’t see the mysterious guy. Honestly I don’t know if I am happy or sad or even angry that he is not there to watch me on stage. I have chosen a song for him it’s called ‘In Time We Will Heal’. I write this sing myself when I lost my sister when I was in high school I know this song could help because it helped me before. This song is telling you that is okay to be not okay and cry. But, we have to remember that we have all our life ahead that we need to embrace.

I don’t know if he would come or no so I just stand there and sing. On stage, I can’t really see people in the audience very clearly because all the lights are on me. So I don’t know if he even here to listen to this song that I sing for him. I feel kind of sad because he is most likely not there. I just know how it feels to lose someone so I really want to help someone or talk to someone that feel the same way and have gone through the same thing.

The next day I work at the diner as usual. Until Steve Rogers come in again. The fans that were waiting for him start to go around him asking for photos and autograph. It took a while until he can finally sit down. He ordered the same thing as the last time he is here. He keeps silence enjoying his meal just like last time.

“I know it seems impossible but time will heal and in time we will finally have courage to move on” he said to me as I walk past him.

“What?” I asked him

“I just heard that saying and it’s stuck in my head now” he said with a smile.

Oddly his smile is comforting. I never saw him smile before. In the news they always show him and his team in action. Really not the situation to smile I guess.

“Yeah, what a coincidence.” I said to him with a smirk.

Remembering the mysterious guy form the bar. The saying that Steve Rogers heard is one of the lyrics in my song that I sing to the mysterious guy in the bar last night. I have no idea where he heard that. My songs are up on the internet even though is not famous so I figure maybe someone seen it online and he heard them saying it.

"Coincidence? Why you say that?” he asked

“Oh, I just heard the exact same saying from the internet”

Suddenly his phone rings and he said he have to get going. I guess there is some danger or some bad guy he needs to take care of. He said goodbye and he told me he will see me soon. I don’t know what he meant by that probably just saying that to everybody.

A week goes by and the Steve Rogers didn’t come to the diner again that week. It’s Sunday night as usual I sing at the bar. After few songs I get back down and continue the night as a bartender. As I get back the mysterious guy already sitting there and I walk onto him.

“You did not show up last week. Why are you here?” I said to him while I’m pouring him another glass of whiskey.

“I did show up and left soon after. You just didn’t see me in the audience.” He said.

"Oh really? What song I sing that night for you?” I asked him trying to prove that he is not there.

“In Time We Will Heal. It’s something you write right?” He said with confidence.

"Okay you win. You were there” I said with a smirk.

“I know it seems impossible but time will heal and in time we will finally have courage to move on” he sings the lyrics.

Those lyrics remind me of Steve Rogers the Captain America when he said the exact lyrics to me the other day. Honestly, I really can’t get over what he said to me about seeing me later. I know it’s odd and now I sound like some kind of crazy obsessed fan girl. I know that he doesn’t mean it when he said that. But a girl can dream.

“Hey. Are you okay? Are you daydreaming?” he said blurred out my silly thought.

“I am sorry. I was day dreaming.” I said with a sigh.

“Would it be rude if I asked you to tell me what it is about?” he asked

“Like any other girl I was just daydreaming about a guy.” I said to him with a shy smile.

“Tell me more.” He asked curiously.

I tell him everything from my work at the diner and the S.H.I.E.L.D agents and Captain America of course. I told him what he ordered and told him what he said to me about the song. And how it’s very weird coincidence since I just sing that song the night before. And how he said goodbye. I know this is weird to tell him about my daydreaming. But, something about him make me neither feels I can trust him even though I did not see his face so clearly nor know his name.

“I know this is silly but a girl can dream. Normal girls would be head over heels for him. Why can I daydream about him once a while?” I said tried to defend my pride.

“I did not say anything! Of course you can day dream about him. Everybody got a right to daydream about someone.” He said with a smile.

"I wish I could meet him and probably talk to him more. I feel there is something about him that quite untouchable and I really want to get to know him better.” I told my mysterious guy

“Why don’t you talk to him then? He is there in front of you eating his breakfast alone. You can easily start a conversation with him.”

"Are you kidding right now? He is Steve Rogers I can’t just talk to him like he is a normal person.” I said to him with a confused look in my face.

“Well probably once a while he just wants to talk like a normal person and treated like a normal person you know?” he said that while he take of his baseball cap “Probably I just want to be like normal person”

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