chapter 2

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I need to find you my alpha... 

My real alpha...

My omega I know we will meet

          soon wait for your alpha... 



Louis wakes up with a burning ache on his soul mark. Silently tearing up, he ran toward the bathroom. He checked the side of his arm with the crescent moon mark and saw that it was turning pinkish-red. He patted it gently.

As an omega who’s not used to the extreme pain, dealing with it long enough to focus was hard work.

“I’m begging please stop this! I’m hurting already! Alpha! Alpha! Alpha!” The pain began to mellow down, and Louis fell to the cold tiled floor, tearing up.

“I need to find you, my Alpha! My real Alpha!”

Louis called his butler for help on the intercom phone.

“Sebastian! Can you come to my room please?”

Sebastian knocked three times and entered Louis’ suite.

“Yes, young master! What can I do for you this morning?”

“Can you prepare me some breakfast? I don’t have the energy to go down, and my mark is still aching! Need to leave early for practice!”

“Of course, young master, Sebastian said, his hands militantly behind his back. “Should I announce your absence at breakfast to Madam chairman, young master?”

“No! I mean...I don’t want her to worry, and I’m sure they’ll be leaving today for a trip to God knows where.”

Sebastian nodded and left the room.

Still patting his soul mark, Louis called up his sister Lottie, who was now based in Paris, France.

“Lots, have you experienced any aching in your marks?”

“Hello to you too, brother!” Lottie said. “No. Why?”

“Hmm...Nothing…” Louis had barely put the phone down when he received a text message.

Lots: What the called up and didn’t even say hi or hello, then hung up on me!!!? You’re lucky I’m not there to strangle you, Idiot!

Louis: Ohhh do I? Well, hello and bye! Happy? :) Love you, sister XxX

He received another text message.

“Lots, you really can’t give up!” he said to himself. Then he opens the inbox and it’s from Zayn.

Z: Good morning, my Omega! I’ll pick you up at eleven after your practice…

Louis: Okay Alpha!

Louis knew that having Zayn made his parents less protective of him because they know that Zayn will do everything to keep him safe and healthy.

They had become engaged when he was presented as Omega, and they never questioned nor doubted their parents’ decision. They just waited for Louis’ presentation to make it formal as they both knew long before that they belonged together.

A match made in heaven, as their parents called it. Both parties agreed that they still need to finish Uni, especially Louis as he might be next to handle Tomlinson Realty in the future. His parents taught him that being Omega is not a hindrance, but only mere sexuality that can be used to his advantage.

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