Chapter 8 🎬

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Vanessa POV, again

I am a pretty light sleeper most of the time. so I woke up to my alarm, which sounded different today. normally it's the original timer sound on iPhones but today I woke up to madelaines recorded voice. it said " goodmorning baby I know you have this alarm set for when your not at my house so I just wanted to be the first to tell you goodmorning and have a great day. and you always look beautiful. I'll see you later now go do stuff!" she said with a laugh at the end. it already made my day so much better. I dont even know when she did that. so I turned it off, and I knew it was to early for her to be up because she didn't have to work today so I would  just text her later. so I got up to go get in the shower and brush my teeth. yes in the shower.

once I finished the shower I went to the kitchen to make tea and breakfast. I just made some avocado toast and grabbed a random tea bag and walked out the door. I drove to set right as scheduled and I just sang some solo karaoke on the way there. finally I got to set a little early. it was around 7:15 and I didnt have to be at hair and makeup for another 20 miniutes so I put all my stuff up and texted madelaine.

hey I had the greatest
morning ever, thanks to
you I loved it text me when
you wake up 😘😍❤

I figured she wouldn't reply  back for a while. so I just scrolled through Instagram liking all the pictures in my feed i also get tagged in so many choni fan pages it's crazy but there are also alot of madnessa pictures, I'm fine with it but madelaine I think is scared to come out publicly maybe. I dont care, i just want her to be happy so i will go with what she does. after i made it to the hair and makeup trailer madelaine texted me back

I'm glad you liked it
but I'm not doing anything
today... can I come to set
to hangout with you plz I'm boredd?

of course you can ig
I will see you when
you get here my first
break is at 9:00 ❤

it made my heart tingle to think she wants to come sit up here all day just to 'hangout' with me. so of course the scene we were shooting took a little longer that anticipated but we finally finished at 9:30 I was walking back to my trailer a out to text madelaine but when I opened my door I saw the cutest thing ever. it was madelaine asleep with yoshi cuddled up under my throw blanket on my couch. I just sat my stuff down took my shoes off and sat next to them rubbing mads leg. after about 5 miniutes she started to squirm which caused yoshi to jump back to his bed on the floor and madelaine looked up and saw me. she said "oh sorry I got tired waiting for you so I took a little nap. you could've woke me up." I smiled at her statement and said. " I could've but you looked so cute and peaceful so I just let you be." she signaled me over to take yoshi's spot, as I happily did. she put her arm over me and said "so how did shooting go?" "it was long and boring, it was just a big serpent meeting about a special someone." I smirked softly flicking her nose we sat a d cuddled for a while until we heard someone knock at the door. "who is it?" I asked  in a aggravated tone. " its lili, can I come in?" I sat up still in front of madelaine and said "I guess." she walked in and said "oh, hey madelaine I didnt think you were shooting today." madelaine put her hand on my lower back which caused me to look at her and she whispered in my ear, "can we tell the cast today?" I shook my head yes as we looked back at lili awkwardly looking at us. madelaine spoke up, "well actually I'm not filming today, I just came to hangout with vanessa, my girlfriend.." she was playing with the hem of my shirt while she was telling lili and lili said, "awe that's great another power couple. I knew you guys were gonna workout. I grabbed madelaines hand and asked lili, "oh, did you need me for something?" she thought for a moment and said " oh yea I was supposed to tell you the school scene were supposed to shoot next got canceled, the set had a leak in the roof or something so we have some extra time off. spread the word, and i guess I'll be on my way. bye now" madelaine and I both said " bye" together. I laid back down and said. "see I told you our friends wouldn't care, she even said she suspected it." we both chuckled as I got on my phone madelaine demanded we put each other's thumb prints in our phones. so we did.

After madelaine and I got each others phones back I noticed she changed my background from us to just her, but it was a hot photo of her. it was a full body picture but she was only in her red lace panties and her arm over her boobs. I was so shocked all I could get out was. " m-mads w-what if someone sees my phone? what if they see this? I'm gonna make a small change okay." I told her as I put a big emoji over her body. '😜' " but dont worry i made a copy." as I winked to her. we just cuddled for a bit, then madelaine said " so what scene are you filming today v?" I looked up to see her beautiful eyes focusing on me, "i already told you this. just an special serpent meeting and us driving the motorcycles into the sunset." I said waving my hands gracefully in the air.

as the time flew by I had to go back to work so i told Madelaine who was laying almost on top of me, " babe, I've got to go back to set to film until like 7 I will text you later. okay?" I said while slightly sitting up. "but i dont wanna move." she whined as she rolled off of me. as I was about to walk out of the trailer madelaine said, "remember. you have to kiss me before you leave. it's like a tradition." we both giggled as I put my hands on her waist pulling her to me. I kissed her slowly and passionately. I was so happy that hopefully i could do this for the rest of my life. she took control of the kiss as she moved her tounge in all the right was which caused a moan to slip out as she pulled away knowing I didnt want it to end she just smiled. and said "that's what you get for leaving me, text me when you want to...
finish." she tried to wink and walked out. as I was behind her because I had to get to the hair and makeup trailer I watched her walk out of sight as her hair bounced on her shoulders and her hips slightly swayed as she stepped. damn. she is so, hot. I thought to myself. how did I get so lucky?

after finally finishing up on set I facetimed madelaine on my way back to my trailer. she finally picked up after the 4th ring. "hey babe I just wanted to see your face and let you know i just finished filming." I said as I looked at her silly faces she was making. i laughed and said "you know your so cute all the time." she raised her eyebrows and said "duh but you, you look so pretty ALL the time." she emphasized the word 'all' I was walked in my trailer and plopped on the couch still on the phone with madelaine and said " okay I'm gonna get my stuff gathered up here and head home I will text you or call you when I get home, okay?" she frowned and said " okay I miss you I will talk to you when you get home. be safe byee!" as she blew a heart to the phone, I did the same as we both hung up. I just sat there for a miniute to relax. then got my stuff and headed home.

once I finally got home I put everything away and got out my salad I bought to eat and sat at the kitchen table and propped my phone up with a bowl of fruit and facetimed mads. "hey babe, I'm home." I say as I shovel food into my mouth discretely. she laughed and said," I'm glad you did,  where did that salad come from, it looks great. I said "I made it all from scratch, as I turned the price tag away from the camera. we both just laughed, then I said," no I was just kidding, I got it from Walmart I was in a hurry home to talk to you." I smiled at her. we talked on the phone for a while later just about our day and salads. " okay well it's been an hour so I will let you go to bed text me when you wake up goodnight baby, goodluck sleeping without me." she said seductively trying to keep in her giggles. I said " it will be hard but I will try, goodnight I will text you in the morning." we waved and hung up the phone, obviously ending the call. I took my makeup off, did a facemask and drank some tea before curling up in my bed and trying to sleep, but madelaine was right. i never slept as good as I did that night with her. so I just stared at the ceiling until I finally fell asleep.

A/N: hey guys, just wanted to say thanks for reading my story... it would be great if you voted for it and comment and follow me 👍🏼🖤 laterr

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