Chapter 20🔒

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Vanessa's POV

When we got up to go film, my stomach was hurting kinda bad. It had been hurting for about a week but not super bad and I figured it was nothing. But I had to stop walking for a second and mads was holding my hand. She said "are you ok babe, what's wrong?" I just tried to breath and hold some pressure on my stomach where it was hurting. I stood back up straight and said "I'm ok, my stomach just hurts really bad right now." She said "maybe we should go to the doctors, your stomach has been hurting like all week hasn't it?" I shook my head yes but I said "yea but I'm sure it's just something I ate, I will get over it. I'll just take some medicine later, ok now let's get back to set." She gave me a worried look as we started to walk back to set. I just tried to ignore the pain while we filmed a big scene in the student lounge. After about two or three hours we were done filming our scenes for the day, which was pretty quick compared to what it usually takes. I walked back to mads trailer by myself cause it was closer than mine and Madeleine was talking to lili and cami. I just laid on the couch in a ball holding my stomach cause at this point it was hurting really bad. I didn't want to move so I ust hoped mads got here sometime soon. I grabbed the trash can quickly and sat it next to the couch and started to throw up in it. It hurt my stomach to move and throwing up made it a million times worse. I started to get dizzy and everything started spinning and just before everything goes black I hear my phone go off. I can't get, then everything went black.

Cheryl's POV

I tried to call Toni to see if she wanted any food from set but she didn't answer, which is wierd cause she usually always answers me. I grabbed a sandwich incase she wanted it and said bye to everyone and headed to her trailer. When I got there I didn't see her so I said "babe, are you in here? Hello?.." nothing. So I figured she was in my trailer. Once I got to my trailer I walk in and see her passed out on the couch and the trash can next to her. I freak out and say "Oh my god, babe are you ok? Toni!" I shook her and she was sweaty and not waking up so I checked to see if she had a pulse. She did but it was faint or slowing. So I called Cami not knowing what to do she picked up the phone "miss us already?" I yelled "cami Vanessa is passed out and is not waking up. Do I call 911 or do we have a set ambulance or something!?" She said "oh fuck, yea I will have the paramedics get there ASAP. Where are you?" I said "my trailer. Have them hurry I think somethings really wrong!" "Ok bye." She said then hung up and I just moved the trash can and sat next to her head and said "I don't know if you can hear me but i need you to be okay, I can't live without you. I love you more than I love myself. I held my hand on her neck feeling her pulse slow down. I felt a tear drop from my face. Then the EMT's bursted into the trailer with a stretcher. They put it next to her and said to me "ok ma'am we're gonna check her vitals, has she complained of any pain or dizziness recently?" I tried to choke back my sobs and said "yea, she's been saying her stomach has been hurting for about a week. But no dizziness." He looked in her eyes and shined a light and her mouth and a few other things before he has me move and told me "okay we're going to take her to the hospital she may have ruptured something or something serious could be wrong. So we're going to need you to move so we can get her on the stretcher and to the hospital, you are welcome to ride in the ambulance there to stay with her." I shook my head and moved out of the way as they carefully moved Vanessa onto the stretcher I followed them out to the ambulance and got in and sat in the seat closest to her head. I sat back while the two men put an IV in her arm and a breathing tube in her. I was wiping my now streaming tears trying to to make noise. I had a bad feeling in my gut when she said she didn't want to go to the hospital a week ago when she first started to have the pain, but I just let it slide. I'm such an idiot, I should have made her come. All of this would have been avoided. I'm so stupid. Once the men sat down I grabbed her hand and was rubbing it. With my thumb hoping she would be alright. We arrived at the hospital and the paramedics started telling the doctors what her state was And what was wrong. They had someone show me where I could wait while she goes into surgery. I sat there for a few miniutes about to text the group chat when a doctor came in "family of Vanessa Morgan?" I stood up and said "yes that's me. What happened?" I asked trying to remain calm. The doctors said "unfortunately her appendix ruptured and when that happens it releases toxins into her body and she is in very critical condition but we are going to do everything we can do to get it under control." I broke down crying and the doctor said "I'm very sorry, but we will have a doctor come out frequently and update you." And then he left. I looked down at my phone and everyone was blowing up my phone and I just called cami cause she was at the top of the list. She picked up and said "hey mads, what happened? Is she ok?" I quietly cried and just barely spoke out "n-no she's in s-s-surgery." I cried and cami said "oh my gosh I'm so sorry mads we are all on our way right now. We love you stay strong." I heard her tell everyone to get ready to leave. I said "t-thank y-you I love y-you." And I hung up before she could hear me cry like a baby. I was just praying to whatever that she would be ok.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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