Chapter 10 ✒

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Vanessa's POV

once we got out of the car and walked into the tattoo parlor, mads told the guy behind the desk "were here to get tattoos" she had both of us papers on clipboards to fill out. so we sat down and started filling them out. I asked madelaine, "so what are you gonna get. my name on your butt?" Madelaine looked at me and said, "you wish. no I want to get a small ocean wave on my foot, so i can easily hide it. and because I used to be scared of the water, I reminds me that fears are just fears." I didn't think she put this much thought into it, but she did. but I had no clue what I should get. I wanted it to be sentimental, so I said to mads, "babe I don't know what I want to get." we both thought for a while then I thought of it. " hey, maybe I can get a sun on my foot the same place your getting the wave." madelaines face lit up, "that would be awesome!" we both smiled at each other, finishing filling out the papers. we started talking to the guy that was going to do our tattoos, he said he would do madelaines first, then mine. but madelaine went into a private room and told me to wait outside. I had no clue why though. I just looked at the jewelry they had showcased for the piercings they did. until she came out 20 miniutes later she finally walked out. I said "so are we gonna get them yet." she walked towards me and said yep, let's go." I followed her to a room with a long seat in it and she sat down in it. the guy we talked to earlier came in right after us. he said, "hello my name is Justin, I will be your tattoo artist today." he shook my hand firmly. he turned to madelaine and said, "so what can I do for you gals today," madelaine started to explain "so I want a little ocean wave on my foot, and she wants a sun." we both pull out our phones to show him pictures of what we want. madelaine decided to get a little color in it.

once mads was finished with her tattoo, it was my turn. we switched spots and i was nervous so she held my hand and i showed him the picture on my phone. while he was looking at it, I looked to mads, and said "I'm kinda scared. does it hurt? or is it like a pinch?" she laughed and said "babe you'll be fine, it's not that bad. trust me I know how it feels." she pointed to her foot wrapped in plastic stuff. we both lauged and he scetched the sun and put the stencil on my foot and started to go. It definantley didnt hurt as bad as I thought. so I told mads "this isn't as bad as i thought." she laughed and said "i told you so." she picked my hand up and kissed it. while he finished the tattoo, I kept thinking what they talked about for 20 miniutes in that room. I put that thought on the back burner for now. the tattoo was done and it honestly looked so good. madelaine excitedly said "YAAYY now we practically have matching tattoos." we both laughed and walked to the front desk to pay. we were still holding hands. but we didn't notice. so we walked out of the tattoo parlor hand in hand. we realized what we did when we got to the car mads pulled away quickly, and got in the car. she said "FUCK. we were just holding hands in the tattoo shop all the way here." she put her head in her hands and sighed. I put my hand on her arm and said, "hey, babe its okay I really don dont think anyone saw us. " she picked her head up to look for anyone she knew. she didn't see anyone. she grabbed my hand and connected our hands. I just tried to cheer her up, "what do you say we go get ice cream, then we will go back home and watch movies and cuddle okay?" she showed a small smile and said "okay. and thank you for making me feel better."

we did as I said we were gonna do and got home and put the ide cream we got in the freezer for now because we decided we didnt want to eat it yet. madelaine grabbed her comforter from her bed and one pillow. I said "why did you only get one pillow?" she set the blanket and pillow on the couch and turned to me and said "well i got one for you. and you are my pillow." she licked her lip subtly and plugged in her phone next to the couch. I asked her "hey, can you plug mine in too? I have to pee real quick then we can do whatever"
i threw my phone onto the couch and rand upstairs to madelaines bathroom.

after I used the bathroom, I walked into madelaines room, but when I looked at her bed without the big blanket on it and saw something sticking out from under her pillow. so of course I made sure madelaine wasn't coming and ran to the side of the bed and pulled it out. it was a journal. the front cover said 'Expect Nothing Appreciate Everything' there was little stars drawn all over the front of it. I know I shouldn't but I opened it and there was a couple diary like entrys in it. so I decided to go to the last one she put in and there was a peice of printer paper folded in half. I grabbed the paper so I could read the page she dated the pages, she wrote it yesterday. it was like 3 pages long. it said '

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