Running Away

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  Kayleen's POV 

My name is Kathleen Diana Winston  I live with my alcoholic and abusive parents. They always tell me that I am not good enough for them. They call me ugly and worthless. One day I came home an hour late for school. I have to get myself to school on time and I live 2 hours away, Plus I can't drive. I either walk or ride my skateboard. Anyways, when I reached the door I took a deep  breath and opened the door. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN YOUNG LADY!" my father yelled as soon as I walked through the door. "Why do you care it's not like you give a damn about me anyways." I said starting to my room. "How dare you say such disrespectful thing when we are the ones that feed you and gave you a home to live in." My father said said staring right at me. I looked up at him. "Wait a minute....what do you mean when you said you gave me a home to live in?" I asked sternaly. " he meant nothing, go to your room." My mother cutt in. " No you are lying and hiding something, you always have, so what is it" I said coldly. "I SAID HE MEANT NOTHING!" My mother yelled. "NO I AM SICK OF BEING LIED TO SO TELL ME THE TRUTH FOR ONCE!" I yelled angrily. My mother and father looked completely shocked that I said that. I never yelled or even said that much before. My mother and father looked at each other. My mother left the room for a moment and then came back with a folder. " You want to know the truth,then  here" she said as she handed me the folder. I opened it not knowing what to expect. It was my birth certificate. I was so confused. My birth certificate said Kayleen Dian Winston, Sibling: Dallas Winston. And he is 17. "I have a brother" I asked."yes we sent him away —" my father started and I interrupted him by saying WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU TAKE  MY BROTHER AWAY FROM ME THEN TREAT ME LIKE CRAP" I screamed. " I don't gotta tell you shit." Said the said the evil man I used to call father. I grabbed my school backpack and ran out the door. 

When I got out of the door I grabbed my skateboard and went to the side of the house. I opened the window which lead to my room, reached in and grabbed a bag that we laying on my desk. I quickly shut the window got on the skateboard and skated till I was 6 streets away and the house was out of view. I slowed down. The bag I grabbed at a few outfits in it, a hairbrush, my sunglasses, my makeup bag, and a few other things. I packed it ahead because I knew I was going to run away soon. So I had my school backpack, my clothes bag, my skateboard and a folder which had information I would need I went to the nearest police station. I knew all of the officers there. I will be honest, I have gotten in trouble with the fuzz a few times. It wasn't anything that bad, but they were cool with me. Anyways I walked to the front desk. "Good afternoon Miss Kay." A sweet voice said. "Good afternoon to you to Officer Jane" I said quietly. "How can I help you today?" Jane asked kindly. "Umm...I..I..need to Brutington..p..please.." I said trying not to start crying again. "Okay dear he will be out in a minute." Jane said.  A few minutes later I was called in to his office. "Why hello dear, what brings you here" a strong but caring voice said. General Brutington was my favorite person in the world. He always makes me happy and I could always talk to him if there was a problem. He treated me like I was his daughter. So, I looked at him on the verge of tears. "Oh Kayleen dear." He said and I dropped my stuff and ran into his arms crying. Once I settled down he asked what happened and I told him. "I know for a fact that  I can help you dear." He said gently. "How, I will take any help I can get." I said as I stared at the table then at him. " first there will be a case that will be brought to court at the end of the month, second I can call Dallas Winston and tell him what happened." He said writing something down. "Thank you Genaral sir" I said politely. "Please call me General Brett dear" he said smiling. He handed me a paper. It has his number to call if anything else happens. I wrote down my number and Mr. and Mrs. Kian's numbers as well. The general picked up the phone and called my big brother, Dallas Winston. Officer Jade came In and took me to the train station. It looks like I am going to Tulsa Oklahoma. 

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