Meeting My Brother

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 Dallas Winston's POV 

  I was sitting on the couch at the Curtis Brothers house when the phone rang. Ponyboy went to the phone and said "Hello?" "Hello I would like to speak with Dallas Winston please" the voice said. "Hey Dal it's for you." Ponyboy said over his shoulder. I got up and went to the phone and took it from Ponyboy and he went back to reading. "What do you want?" I answered the phone He told him the whole story. "Oh what can I do about it?" I said kinda sarcastically. "She is on a train coming to Tulsa Oklahoma. Will you pick her up at tomorrow 2:00 and live he like she has always wanted to be loved." "Yes I will." I said shocked. "She has been through so much and I think she just needs to feel loved and cared about, and protected." My he general said. "Yeah of course, good bye." I said quickly and hung up. "Good-bye Da—" the general started but was cut of by me hanging up. "Who was it Dal?" Pony asked me. "Uhhhh no-one." I said quietly. "Are you okay Dally?" Johnny asked him. "Uhh...uhh...yeah, I am just going to step out front for a minute." I said quickly and walked to the porch. Once I got out I rubbed my head and so many thoughts came into my head. "What is I can't take care of her?" "What she is scared of me?" "What will the gang say?!" All of a sudden Johnny came out. "Hey Dal, are you okay man?" Johnny asked in a very concerned way. "Oh yeah I am fine." I said trying not to show somethings wrong. "Come on Dal you can tell me man." He said. "Fine but promise you won't tell anyone." I said a bit sternaly. "Yeah man I ain't gonna tell anyone." He said. "Okay I have a kid sister who is coming to stay with me tomorrow and I don't know how to tell the gang." I said kinda quickly. "Just introduce her when she comes tomorrow." Johnny said. "Yeah alright" I said. We walked inside and I sat back in the couch watching t.v.

Kaylee's POV 

When I was getting closer to Tulsa I was worrying about what could happen. "What if he doesn't remember me, of if he won't love me." I rested my head and dosed off. I woke by the loud speaker saying, "Arriving at Tulsa Oklahoma train station!" Oh was I nervous. I got my bags and got ready to get out of the train. When the train stopped I got off and went on the platform. Then I realized, I have no idea who I am looking for. After realizing that I went to sit on a bench. Like 5 minutes later a guy that looked like he was at least 17 or 18. "Are you Miss Kayleen? He asked a bit calmly. I jumped up. "WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!" I said very loudly with a shaky, frightened voice. "I am Dallas Winston your brother." He said gently. "Oh Dallas! I started happily then said, oh I am sorry for yelling are you gonna hit me?" I said with my shaky voice. "What do you mean hit you?" He said kinda shocked. "It is because any time I make the smallest mistake I get beaten." I said quietly . He kneeled down and hugged me. "Oh Kay I wouldn't hit ya, and ain't no ones gonna touch you any more." He said in a calming voice . After our moment he took me to his car and on the way to The Curtis brother house I told home the story and he answered all of my questions. I finally found my long lost brother.

Dallas POV 

  When i got to the platform I realized I didn't know what my kid sister looked like. I wandered around until I saw a girl sitting on a bench who looked around 15 years old. I walked over calmly bc I don't want to scare her. "Are you Miss Kayleen?" I asked a bit calmly. She jumped up and yelled "WHO ARE YOU AND HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME?!" "I am Dallas Winston your brother." I said gently. "Oh Dallas!—she started saying happily then looked down and apologized for yelling and asked if I was gonna hit her. I was extremely shocked by that and asked what she meant by hit her. "It is because any time I make the smallest mistake I get beaten." She said quietly . Ibkneeled down and hugged her. "Oh Kay I wouldn't hit ya, and ain't no ones gonna touch you any more." I said in a calming voice . After our moment i took her to my car and we went to the Curtis Brothers house.

My One And Only: A Johnny Cade And Ponyboy Curtis love storyWhere stories live. Discover now