Vroom Vroom

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"What were you two thinking?????????????????????"
Jack's dad asked when Jack and Ralph stepped in his car. "I mean, bro... I expected it from Jack but Ralph? I thought you were a good kid..."
Ralph sniffed at that comment. Bro, that was so mean. I am a good kid .... Ralph thought to himself.
"Hey no need to come after Ralph like that. This is all my fault..." Jack defended the love of his life, which obviously made Ralph feel better.
"I was being smart with the teacher, so I got sent to the principal's office. Turns out the principal is really rude and I asked if Ralph could come in there too, then he made fun of gay people."
Jack's dad gasped at that, because he was secretly a homosexual, but didn't tell anyone. Shhhh its a secret.
"Yeah, exactly. So for some reason he sent us both home because we were acting gay..."
The dad let out a long sigh before starting the car. "So..."
They all were silent for a few minutes as they drove down the street.
"Are you guys homo?"
Jack went dead silent as he looked back at Ralph.
Ralph took this as his moment. "Maybe. I mean, I've had feelings for guys before but I never knew if it was serious." He was silent for a long time after that, and so was Jack's dad.
Finally, he spoke again. "Okay. Cool. So y'all want some ice cream?"
Ralph smiled, which caused Jack to smile too.

"Bro, look at this epic ice cream." Jack pointed to a box of chocolate ice cream cones.
"Bro, let's get them." Ralph opened the freezer and grabbed two before following Jack out of the kitchen.
Jack and Ralph were home alone, since Jack's parents were at work.
"So, today has been a long day." They sat on the couch looking out a window.
"Yeah, and it's only, like, 9:30." Jack said, scoffing.
"How though, bro. Feels like it's been 528 years..." Ralph shook his head, taking a bite of his ice cream.
"That's disgusting, how can you bite ice cream without almost dying, bro." Jack licked at his ice cream instead.
"Bro, what." Ralph looked at Jack. "You serious, girl?"
"Girl, I've never been more serious. Bro, if we gonna love each other, bro, we gotta get over our bro ice cream differences, bro, bro." Jack made sure to sprinkle in some more bros in there to make it seem no homo.
But Ralph seemed to notice it. "Bro..."
"Haha... What. Bro. Hahah. Ha. hahahahahahahahagahagahahahahagagagagagagagahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahaahahhahahahaahhahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahhaahhahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahah... bro.... hahaahhahahahahahahahaahhahahaahhahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaahahhahahahahahahaahah-"
"Jack. What the heck just happened to you." Ralph was terrified. No one could ever have him act like this, plus Ralph had to use Jack's real name instead of bro this time. It was serious business.

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