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Justin's pov

"Why did you tell her that you don't like me?" He asks me as Jaxon sat down on the floor.

"I told her that because I don't and now I don't know how I feel because of all this new affection that you have towards me" I tell him as I felt my heart rate go up I don't feel so good.

"Jay you okay?" I hear Jaxon ask me

"Y-yeah I'm fine Jaxon just um need to get some air" I tell him walking outside as Jason and him followed behind me

"Justin I'm sorry if you don't want me to be this way towards you anymore I'll stop and just focus on school so that you don't have to deal with me always wanting to flirt with you" I hear Jason tell me as I leaned up against the wall

"No it's fine I uh need to get Jaxon home" I tell him as I look at him

"Alright well I guess I'll see you Friday" He tells me

"Yeah and please go back to school if you can't do it for me do it for him" I say pointing to Jaxon.

"I'll go back, but I want something first" He tells me as I help Jaxon get into the car. He buckled up

"What's that?" I ask him already knowing the answer

"A kiss just one" he says leaning down to kiss me and I leaned up as our lips met in a sweet kiss.

"See that wasn't so bad now was it?" He asks me while knowing that I'm blushing

"Your so fucking cute when you blush did you know that?" He asks me

"How can I not you tell me everyday now I'll see you Friday get your butt back to class please" I say as I opened the car door.

"Give me a ride please I walked all the way here to come see you" he tells me

"Get in and how did you even manage to skip class?" I ask as we pull out of the parking lot.

"Just told the teacher I had to use the bathroom and snuck out the bathroom" He tells me

"I thought you weren't the one who did bad things?" I ask him

"No no no I never said I was a good kid Justin I do bad things all the time. Like at those parties" He tells me as I pulled up into the schools parking lot and he got out

"Later cry baby" He says closing the door and heading inside.

That Afternoon 

Justin's pov

"Jay can I ask you something?" I hear Jaxon ask me as we play Call Of Duty

"Sure" I say as I continue to play

"Why did Jason call you cry baby?" He asks me man isn't he just full of questions.

"Why do you ask so many questions?" I ask him laughing

"I asked you first" damn

"It's just some nick name he gave me when we met" I tell him honestly 

"That's sweet" He says

Oh if he only knew why Jason gave me that nick name.

"Yeah little man I guess so" I say as we decide to watch a movie.

That Evening

Justin's pov

Justin: so Jaxon asked me why you call me cry baby today?

Jason: he did? What did you say?

Justin: I told him that it was just a nick name you gave me when we met

Jason: what did he say? Where is he?

Justin: he's asleep I'm in the den watching tv and he said that it's sweet that you call me that. Then I thought to myself

Jason: what did you think?

Justin: I thought oh if he only knew why Jason gave me that nick name

Jason: do you not like that nick name? Do you have one for me?

Justin: I mean I don't really like it, but I'm used to it. No I don't have one for you. Why do you want one?

Jason: I don't know maybe I want one you never know, but hey I got to get to bed I'll talk to you tomorrow

Justin: alright Jason goodnight and you better be doing your homework and everything else

Jason: goodnight Justin and I am bye

Justin: bye

Well today was a very eventful day. I got up and went to take a shower. I stripped down and stepped inside. I grabbed the soap and began to wash my body. Once I did that I began to shampoo and condition my hair as the water rinsed my body.

I turned the water off and grabbed my towel. I dried off and stepped out. I put on my Calvin Klein's with my grey sweats and white t-shirt. I brushed my teeth and turned the light out and went to Jaxon's room and got ready for bed. I kissed Jaxon goodnight on his forehead and was out like a light.

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