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Five Years later

Jason's pov

I sat behind the counter and sighed deeply as a customer came up with a vibrator. I scanned her object, simply placing it in the bag as she handed me the cash.

"Thanks for coming to Románticas" I say as she leaves

Oliver walked inside the store holding boxes as Alexander held the door open for him. Harvey helped Oliver as I flipped through a playboy magazine.

"Thanks for the help" Oliver says as he glared at me.

"Yeah no problem" I say as Alexander laughs

"Still haven't heard from him have you?" Harvey asks me as I chewed my bottom lip.

"No" I say

Its been five years since Justin and I started texting and facetiming a lot, but then we slowly started drifting apart and he just stopped talking to me.

"I hear there's this writer's contest here in Arizona right down the street at the coffee shop, that just opened up and writer's from all around the world are coming!" Oliver says in amusement.

"Wow! That would be so awesome if I cared!" I say as Alexander smiled widely as I chuckled.

I checked the time and grabbed my hoodie.

"Looks like my shift is over" I say as Oliver looked down at his watch.

"Huh? Alright" he said as I left the shop and looked around. Bejamin walking up to me as he shivered.

"Shit! It's freezing!" He says as we sit inside my car

"Yeah" I say as I started the car. Benjamin grabbed the necklace hanging from the top of my car ceiling. The one that Justin had gotten for me on Valentines Day.

"You still have this?" He says as I smacked his hand.

"Quit it!" I say as he rolled his eyes

"Jase it's been five years and Justin never even bothered to text you man face it Its over" Benjamin says as I rolled my eyes

"Whatever Benjamin I have faith" I mumbled.

Once we had arrived to our appartment, Benjamin shut the door and shivered as he sat down on the couch. Benjamin is my roommate and Riley? He's in college all the way in Wisconsin.

Benjamin got expelled for bringing drugs to school and I guess I was lucky enough to graduate with enough credits. I guess after Justin left i gave up on school and decided to slack on everything.

"Did you hear about that writer's club down at the coffee shop? Its bad enough I have to deal with hold hags" he scoffed

"How is it working there anyways?" I ask him

"Its cool man i get along with my co-workers and oh my manager is so fine!" He says smirking as i chuckled and rolled my eyes playfully. I made hot chocolate as he turned the tv on.

Later The Next Day

Jason's pov

"Man look at that line outside the coffee shop" oliver says looking out the window as I checked out a customer's toy.

"Why don't you go out and promote our store?" Alexander laughed as Oliver rolled his eyes playfully.

"Can you help me unload some boxes in the back?" Harvey asked as Oliver nodded heading to the storage room.

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