Another month later

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A/N : Jimin is 24. and you are 21.

It was Jimin's birthday today.
He's going to be 24.

Your belly grew like 3 months. Jimin didn't care much about it. He just thought you were putting on more weight. Since you always craving foods.

You put a baby romper that said 'Happy Birthday Daddy', inside the box and wrapped it around to make it look like a present.

Jimin was downstairs, greeting the family and guest.
There was chattering going on and cheering.

Suddenly the door swung open.
"Jagiya" he softly spoked, as he hugged you from behind.
"What's this?"

"It's your birthday present" you said.
"Really, Can I open it?" Jimin said.

"No, open it when it's time"
He sighed with a pout "okay, but let's go downstairs"

As you walked downstairs together. Jimin hand was on your waist.
Everyone was happy to see you together.

"Ah!, Y/N" Mr Park said, while walking towards you.
"I hope my son is treating you well."
"Of course he is" you laughed.

"Dad" Jimin whined.
Mr Park Laughed.
Mrs Park laughed, and said "we're both expecting to have a little Jimin Park junior soon."

You seemed a little surprised.
Jimin replied, "Me too, mother"
Jimin nudges your arm.

You laughed.
'Well that's exactly what you're getting, Jimin.' You thought inside your head.

"Also, son. I've book you a plane ticket for your honeymoon for next year, you deserved a break. Since you're the one, that's working hard to keep our company well," He patted Jimin back.

"Thanks dad." Jimin then hugged him.

After chattering with Jimin's parents, you and Jimin went to greet the BTS and Blackpink.

"Is it just me, or did you gain weight?" Jennie said.

"Ive been eating food. Cause food is life" you half lied.
The blackpink laughed.

"OMGG HOLY SHITEU" you turned to the loud noise.
It was Jungkook.
"Happy birthday Hyung!"
"You're so old now!!," Shouted Taehyung.

You went over to BTS.
"Omg, Y/N!!" Namjoon said.
"Hi," you waved at them.
They greeted you and chat with you.

"HONEYYY" you turned around to see your father and mother at the door.
You smiled and hug both of them.

"Mrs L/N and MR L/N. It's a pleasure to see
you" Jimin Said. "Thank you for coming."

Your father and mother hugs Jimin.
"Happy birthday, Jimin" they both said.
Jimin hugs them back, and thank them.

Then your parents went over to Jimin's parent.

After greeting each other, it was lunch time.
Everybody grabbed their food, that was display on the kitchen bench.

You sat next to Jimin in the dinning room.

"Ahem," Jimin cleared his throat. then the attention was on Jimin.

"I would like to say, Thank you all for coming"
You guys are the most amazing families and friends, I've ever had. And I would like to thank you everyone that makes life better for me... especially my wife" Jimin then looks at me and raise his glass.

I smiled and blushed,
Everyone grabbed their glass that's filled with champagne and clink it against each other. I'm the only one that has water since I'm pregnant and nobody knows. But I told them, I don't feel like drinking it.

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