Little Areum

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You looked towards Areum that you were cradling in your arms. She was sleeping peacefully, her little pout were sending you over the edge, she was the most adorable when she was sleeping, you were waiting for your husband ChimChim to come and get you at the parking lot.

You felt worried and scared as the intense atmosphere surrounding you.
You cradle little Areum tightly to your chest and check the surrounding of the parking lot, it was just full of cars parking.

You felt like somebody was watching you from afar, when suddenly a white car came by.
It was Jimin.

You smiled at him while he smiles at you.
Jimin hurriedly get out of the vehicle and went on to the passenger side to open the door for you.
"Thank you baby." You said not before planting a kiss on his cheeks.

Jimin smiled brightly, his chubby cheeks smooched together like a dim sims.

He closed the door once you got into the car and got on the driver's seat to drive.

"Jimin.. I have this weird feeling that somebody was watching me from afar."
Jimin looked at you in confusion as he steered the steering wheel.

You were on the passenger seat still cradling your daughter in your arms.

"Jagiya.. you're probably paranoid, don't worry too much about it." He smiles at you trying to calm you down.

You wanted to tell him that it could be her.. but you knew you were probably thinking too much. You looked down at your daughter and kissed her forehead.

Jimin was looking at you, the sight melts his heart. He knows who was watching you and at that moment he'll do anything to protect both of you.
He knows everything.. he was trying to calm you down, not stress you too much.

Jimin drove back to their house, the thoughts of the possibility of what Lee Haneul can do lingering his mind.

Once you guys got home. The maid greeted you and hurriedly went to get your things out of the car.
You went to the living room with your baby breast feeding her as she's awake.
You were feeling pain from her sucking you for milk.

"Jagiyaaaaa.." Jimin moaned as he went to see you but stopped in his track as he saw you feeding Areum.

The sight of you breastfeeding make him hard.
He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.

You looked up at your husband with a pout without realising that he was in his world.
"Jimin it's so painful" you groaned.

Jimin Adam's apple bobbed up and down as try not to drool over you.
"Jagiya.. stop that" he said.
"Why?" You asked with confusion.

Jimin clenched his fist and walked away to his office leaving you to be more confused.
You breastfeed little Areum until she falls asleep and placed her inside her cot.

You told the maids to look after her as you walked towards Jimin's office.


"Jimin?" You pokes your head out to see his back facing away from you.
You walked towards him and saw the sight of him pleasuring himself while he sits on the desk.

He was looking up with eyes closed, him biting his own lips, he seems to be lost in euphoria.
His forehead was glistening with sweats.
His hands was both wrapped around his length pumping up and down, his pants were on the floor.

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