My Brother's Best Friend 2

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He put his hand on my lower back, guiding me to this corporate business party, i wear dress that i choose and he clearly didn't like it, its been two month after he punish me for my smart mouth, and i, not going to be a liar bitch like it, every single of it.

One of it is to defy this man that walk beside me, his rough thumb is caress my uncover lower back, the dress that i choose, not the one he told me to wear, i like to put him on edge and then he make sure that i regret it, but i enjoy it to much to put an stop for my action.

"You know one of this day your brother probably know about us" well he doesn't know yet but i already told my brother, its not like i can put an act of lie in front of my brother our twin telepathic ruin all of it, he almost kill his best friend but me being drama queen i am, said that if he ever lay hand on my new lover I'll make sure he never going to meet his nephews or nieces.

"We need to talk about that" i said still walk to the front of invitation checking to receive our table number.

"Why?" He ask.

"Later" i boldly peck his neck, making him stood frozen but pull me more into him.

"Don't pull that stunt babe, I'll give you later" What. The. Fuck. Did he just put my affection as teasing?! The fucking nerve.

I sulk when we allowed to enter the ballroom, i just don't feel like to near this man, but his touch is just too good to missed.

I look around, i suppose to come here with my brother and parent, after all this is their party, but Elijah already asking me to be his date when first he receive the invitation.

I then look at Elijah, he look so handsome and strong, he wear black tux and black dress shirt and black bow tie, its so contrast with what i wear, i put one of my mother design, a broken white long-sleeve, floor-length with slit up to my mid thigh, and backless silk dress.

"Attention everyone" everybody look at source, my twin brother also look like he clean up good, almost same as Elijah but he out white dress shirt and black slim tie.

When he open his mouth with nonsense i just throw my attention to something else more like someone, Elijah still put his hand on my open back and i just watch his feature.

"...nd that's why i announce you that my best friend is going to engaged with my sister" that last makes my eyes bulge and look at my brother, his smile is devious and i just want to strangle that, i then look at Elijah, he also look confuse and then anger took out.

"Let's welcome the couple so he can put a ring to her" everybody in this ballroom clap loudly, i even heard whistle or two and I just want to punch whoever it is.

Elijah walk to the podium, his take off his hand from my back and clasp my hand and then pull me.

My brother just gave him a jewelry box, when he open i heard gasp everywhere, the ring are beautiful, and i know whose ring is that, he put the ring on my left ring finger.

It fit. Perfectly fit. Then kiss me on my forehead, all of this, even the most insensitive creature can see that Elijah gesture is cold.

I feel like i about to vomit and cry, he surely show that he doesn't want this. Heck! I also didn't want this, i only graduate and start my career, i do admit that i love him, even though he didn't know that, but marriage is a big thing, it'll change both of us.

When the euphoria died down Elijah and I go down, my brother continue talking. Elijah didn't touch me anymore, he just leave me and carry on to talk to his potential business partner.

Yes. That's what you are. A sex toy for him.

Like what you both agreed from the start, just sex no feeling needed.

I feel a huge rage is building up, i feel like everyone gang up to make me feel like worthless bitch.

When no one seems to gave attention, i walk away to lavatory, to find an exit.

When my taxi stop and indicate that we already arrived to my apartment i paid her and walk inside.

I push my heel and go to kitchen to get some water, then go back to living room and put out random channel.

I recall all the thing that happen earlier, and the ring on my finger seems to make my heart sinking.

I pull out the offensive ring and put it on my dining table, and walk to my room to remove my make up.

I hang my dress and then take shower to wash out hairspray on my hair.

When i dress up in my sleepwear that consist lace black panty and giant cozy sweatshirt, i heard a bang on front door. Looking at my appearance i just shrug because the sweatshirt reach my mid-thigh.

I walk to open the door, knowing the possibilities is probably my twin brother or Elijah.

"What?" Its Elijah, he put both of his hand on doorframe.

"You left" i rolled my eyes. "Obviously" i stated.

"Your brother know about us" he said, with accusing tone.

"Yes, that thing earlier is probably stunt he put for get back to us, but don't you worry, I'll handle that" i said about to close my door, but he catch fast and walk inside.

"I think its better if you go home" i said my eyes linger on his figure that plop down on my couch.

"Or may be not" he said looking at me sharply.

"Suit yourself" i said then walk to my room, but what he said next make me freeze.

"You hate me so much?" He ask frustrated.

"Is the though of getting engage with me disgust you so much?" He walk to me, my body still looking to the way to my bedroom.

He move me so we stand front to front.

"I always hate you Elijah, hate that you my brother's best friend, hate that you basically living with us, hate that you treated me as your little sister." I said flatly to him, with no emotion.

His laugh boomed in my entire apartment, sarcastic laugh to be exact, and then he looked at me accusingly.

"I fuck you! is that all brother do to their sister?!" Fuck?! Of course fuck! What else.

I push him away, my heart is hurt, I'm emotionally and physically exhausted. "Just go home, i can assure you what ever the fuck that stupid brother of mine planed is not going to happen, your mother ring is on dining table you can collect that." I walk away from him, one thing i know what we have, between me and him is end.

Its been two weeks, and one week after i know that i pregnant with Elijah child, that night i realize that he's to good to be true.

So i make an impulsive decision, run away.

Yes you heard that right, being all alone and scared, and for the second time in my life i choose to do something according of my own decision.


It's going to be really sloooooooow update but I'll try to writing the stories guys, I have like 8 other short stories for this book but got stuck in the middle.

And y'all should be patient with this story and don't forget to check once or twice cuz maybe I decided to slip the steamy scene secretly😜

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