Chapter 3

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So I got a concussion... xD My friend hit me with a door and I fell and hit my head... lol. Go ahead, laugh at my misfortune, I don't care. I found it hilarious.

Question: Am I the only one that hasn't seen The Fault in Our Stars?

 Question: How school going for everyone? I'm already over it and it's only the first week...

 <^_^<                     >^_^>

"Here's where we found the den," Stiles said, handing Allison and I his phone with a map on it. Scott found out the coyote that was watching us, was Malia and Scott and Stiles found her den. But now that they've entered it, she won't return so we have to track her down ourselves. "It's right in the middle of the hiking trails."

"Well, that could narrow it down. Coyotes travel in fixed trails." I said, pointing at the numerous trails on the map. "But I think you're right about her not going back to the den. Coyotes don't like wolves."

"And they're really smart," Allison added, "If they don't wanna be heard, they actually walk on their toes."

"Coyotes tip-toe?"

I patted Stiles on the arm with a sigh, "they tip-toe."

The bell rang and Allison left as Stiles, Scott, and I went to our seats. Kira was talking to Scott about how she did some research on Bardo for him, she was rambling on nervously. 

"Kira!" Mr. Yukimura said handing a stack of papers to her, "you forgot all the research for the boy you like." My hand flew up to my mouth as I laughed quietly, actually embarrassed for her. She sighed, turning and giving the papers to Scott before scampering to her seat, blushing madly.

"Alright, everyone." Our attentions turned to Mr. Yukimura as everyone slid into their seats, "Let's get started. We were just talking about internment camps and prisoners of war. There's a passage in our reading that I'd like to go over in more detail. Who would like to come up and read aloud for us?Mr. Stilinski, how about you?"

Stiles' head shot up, the color draining from his face. He can't read anything, how is he supposed to pull this off? "Maybe someone else could," he tried glancing at me for help. 

I sighed, raising my hand. "Um, I could if you want."

"Well, it's wonderful that you'd volunteer, Ms. Redoff, but everyone participates in my class. So Mr. Stilinski, come on up."

Stiles sighed shakily, standing up and moving to the podium. He looked at me and I gave him a smile, hoping I looked less nervous for him than I actually was. He stared at the book for awhile, gripping the sides. When he looked up, he was paler than a ghost and wobbling slightly like he was dizzy. I stood up, taking a few steps towards him.

"Stiles, are you okay?" He didn't answer, continuing to breath heavy. By now Scott was up as well, walking towards him. I touched Stiles arm, "we should take him to the nurse." Mr. Yukimura nodded, looking worried for his student.

Scott and I led him out, not stopping until we entered the boy's bathroom, letting Stiles wobble in. "Stiles, is this another panic attack?" I asked as he gripped on to the sink, looking into the mirror.

"This is just a dream," he chanted to himself as Scott and I watched. My hands were over my mouth as I watched him, not knowing what to do. 

"No it's not, this is real!" Scott told him, "you're not asleep. You're here with me and Erin. Okay, what do you do?  I mean, like, how do you tell if you're awake or dreaming?"

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