Chapter 5

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This is short.

Question: Who's your favorite character from Season 4? 

It can be people from the other seasons, like Scott and Stiles. As long as they were a part of Season 4.

I kind of love Braedon...

Get ready for this... ;)

<^_^<            >^_^>

Voices and banging echoed around me as I laid on the ground. I recognised Josh's and Jasmine's yelling for us to open the door, but I couldn't move. It felt like I was enveloped in a sheet of ice, completely surrounding me. All I could do was shiver and twitch as I laid on my carpet. My vision was blurry as five faces leaned over me, Josh, Jasmine, Allison, Mr. Argent, and Isaac. 

"She needs to turn as well. That was the only way Isaac would wake up." Mr. Argent said, shaking me.

"She refuses too! She's afraid she'll shift into the demon."

"Well unless you want her to continue suffering until she goes into a coma, that's our only option." 

"Jasmine, you hit her."

"Me, why me?!"

"You're her sister, and a girl, just do it!"

A fist collided with my face and I just continued to shiver as the ice slowly began to break from around me. My head flew to the side again as my jaw exploded in pain. After two more hits, the ice blanket shattered and I shot up, my white eyes glowing thankfully. "Did you see them?" I asked as soon as I came to consciousness. 


"There were five of them," I whimpered out, immediately finding my way into Isaac's arms as I cried silently. "They-They wore black. We couldn't see their faces, they were covered."

"What do you mean, like masks?" Josh asked, his concerned eyes watching me. I began hyperventilating as the image of them popped into my mind, fear washing over me again. Isaac shushed me and I closed my eyes, willing the image away as he continued for me.

"One of them, we could see it's eyes. They were greenish-yellow. LIke a-"

"Like a firefly," I cried, my face against Isaac's chest. "But our security system wasn't triggered, my uncle has a really expensive one too."

"So how'd they get in?" Allison asked as Isaac and I sat silently, wrapped in each other's arms as we cried together. Jasmine got up, grabbing a blanket and placing it on Isaac and I.

"They didn't," Isaac told them, his voice cracking. "It was like they came from the shadows."

Mr. Argent looked down, as if he knew what they were. Allison noticed as well asking, "Do you know what that means, Dad?"

"Um I'm not sure. Listen, the five of you, I need you to keep this quiet for a few hours."

"From everyone?" I asked.

"Just for 24 hours."

"They could've killed them, Dad. Or even made Erin shift."

"But they didn't and I think I know why. I think they might have been after me."

 <^_^<            >^_^>

I shut my locker door and spun around, coming face to face with Allison. I groaned, stepping to the side and began walking through the hall as she followed me. "What do you think you're doing here? You shouldn't be here after what happened."

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