Chapter 9

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Question: How do you guys feel about Erin's shadow/demon side and how the Nogitsune is controlling her?


Sorry this is short, I need to make up some chapters.

<^_^<             >^_^>

"Stay back there," he told me, pointing to the back of the room where no light was shining. "Don't let anyone see you and don't come out until I say." I nodded, scurrying back there and watching the entrance.

The door to Derek's loft opened, the Sheriff appearing and looking at the Nogitsune. He turned around and gazed at the officer who pulled out handcuffs. "You're gonna handcuff me?" The Nogitsune asked, both of us knew that would never work. 

"If my son is still here, if there's still a part of him standing here in front of me, then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me, because he knows I'm here to protect him from himself and from others." Blah, blah, blah. You can't protect anyone from us, we're just too powerful now. I stood in the shadows, watching the scene unfold on front of me.

The Nogitsune lifted his hands up, pretending to look defeated and weak, just like Stiles. The Sheriff stepped forward, clicking the handcuffs around his wrists and I smirked as the Nogitsune returned to his evil state, breaking the handcuffs with ease.

"You're not my son," he said, disgust in his voice.

The Nogitsune, tilted his head. "You're right, I'm not your son. I'm not your son, and she's not your son's bestfriend." He turned his head in my direction and I stepped out of the shadows. I walked up to stand next to the Nogisune, my controller. "She's my weapon."

He stared at me, looking into my black eyes that were once the ugly blue. I hated them, black suits me. It makes me feel... powerful. Yes, I have to listen to the Nogitsune but I have so much more power now. I have so many more abilites in this state, why did it take me this long to connect to it? It felt amazing, I didn't have a care in the world about any of the people I once loved. Who needs them? They were just holding me back and keeping my power contained.

Three other's ran in and I recognised them as the two hunter's and my former alpha, Allison, Argent, and Derek. Allison pulled out a taser gun and aimed it at the Nogitsune. She fired it and my controller immediately went into action, grabbing it mid air and ripping it in half, chucking it at the wall.

They all stared at him in shock and he chuckled. "Suprised? Well here's an even bigger kick in the balls." He nodded his head towards me and I turned towards Allison, focusing on the air and wind around me. I raised my arms up, thrusting them at her and a gust of wind flew into her, throwing her back and hitting the wall.

Derek ran at me and I rolled my eyes, turning towards him and stomping my foot on the ground. Two spikes of cement came up from the concrete floor, pointing at him and making him stop, looking both shocked and terrifed along with everyone else. I looked at my controller waiting for direction. He took control, going over and grabbing Derek, twisting his arm behind his back. He slammed his head on the table and threw him at the wall. He fell to the ground and a click was heard from behind us.

We turned to see Argent with two guns, one in each hand, aimed at the Nogitsune and I. I narrowed my eyes, going to attack him when my controller stopped me, holding his arm out. 

"Argent, listen to me. Don't do this." Sheriff spoke.

"Why not? I've done it before. Werewolves, berserkers, I can easily add a nogitsune and a Nephalem to the list. But then again if I shoot him, she gets freed from his control." I glared at the hunter, wanting to just go over and rip his head clean off his body. 

The Sheriff pulled out his own gun, aiming it at Argent. The Nogitsune made an 'oh' face, amused by the situation. "You're not going to shoot my son, or her." 

"You said it yourself, Sheriff. That's not your son. And he said that's not Erin."

"Put it down. Put it down now!"

The Nogitsune changed his facade, going back to the weak Stiles and mumbling, "Dad, he's gonna shoot me." It was then when I realized what he was trying to do, I could just feel the conflict running throughout the room and into the Nogitsune's and my veins. Strife. "He's gonna kill both of us, Dad!"

"Don't listen," Argent told the Sheriff.

"Put it down, now!" Sheriff began to scream. 

"Do it!" The Nogitsune said, looking at Argent now as the Sheriff continued screaming at him to put the gun down. "Pull the trigger."

I smirked wanting to join in. I stepped forward, pressing the gun's tip against my chest, right where my heart is, the other still aimed at my controller. "Come on, just do it."

The process continued, Sheriff yelling at him to put it down and the Nogitsune and I screaming to shoot. I wanted to see how far they'd go, what'd they do to try and get us to fail, which we never will.

"Stop, stop! This is what he wants! This is exactly what he wants!" Allison yelled, all of us immediately stopping to listen

"Not exactly, I was kinda hoping Scott would be here." My controller said, looking at Allison. I looked away from Argent, seeing it was dark outside and looking around, waiting for the Oni to come. "But I'm glad you all have your guns out. Because you're not here to kill me, you're here to protect me." The Nogitsune backed up to behind everyone, and I turned ready to fight.

Four Oni appeared, and everyone got ready. Sheriff and Argent's got their guns ready, Allison got out a knife, and Derek shifted and roared while I just rolled my eyes at their weak forms of fighting -besides Derek- and took off after one. It pulled out the sword, swinging it around as if to intimidate me. I gave a cocky smile, bringing my arms up to push a gust of wind, sending it flying backwards. 

It flipped up and charged at me, swinging it's sword. I ducked twice, before nailing my palm into it's chest and sending it through the air yet again. When it got up and tried to advance yet again I stomped my foot on the ground and another spike came up. The Oni dodged it and I stomped once more but before it could reach him, the four Oni disappeared.

The Nogitsune looked around before glancing towards me. "I hate to leave the party so early but we really must be going." He disappapeared and I looked at everyone. Scott and Kira appeared in the doorway and I gave them a sickening smile before closing my eyes and disappearing from the loft.

 <^_^<         >^_^>



Question: How do you guys feel about Erin's shadow/demon side and how the Nogitsune is controlling her?




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