Chapter 15

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Question: Do you want Erin with Stiles or Parrish?

Question: Which book in the Newly Bitten series is your favorite so far?



 <^_^<                    >^_^>

"I'm sorry," Isaac told me as we sat on my bed and I leaned my head on his shoulder with a sigh.

"It's okay, you have to leave I understand." I told him numbly, not believing a word I said. He shook his head, turning to me and taking my hands.

"No. I'm sorry about everything. About cheating and about not being there enough, everything." I nodded, not looking at him. I know I'll cry, I'm gonna cry soon anyways. He grabbed my chin, tilting my head up. "Erin, you were my first love and you'll always be the one I love. You were and are my best friend, and I love you with all my heart. I'm not leaving because I want too, I'm not. I'm leaving because staying here is more dangerous. I'll end up as a Peter, you have your friends. We both know you've had the connection with them that I don't. I love you too much, that's the problem. Our love is dangerous for this town."

And now I'm crying. I wrapped my arms around his neck, crying into his neck. "You don't understand how hard this is for me." He whispered, tears falling down his face as well. "I wanted to be the one you marry, I wanted to marry you and have children with you, believe me. But I don't belong here, you do. This is your home. You have your aunt and uncle, and Jasmine and Josh, and Scott and Lydia and Derek, and let's not forget Stiles. That's why I'm asking you to stay, you need them and they need you."

"I love you," I told him with a cry, "I love you so much." 

He wiped my tears, "I love you too." He leaned forward, pressing his lips against mine in a soft kiss. We laid down on my bed, my head on his chest and his arms around me. This was the end of Isaac and I, he was leaving me. He promised he wouldn't, but he still is. I guess I can't blame him. I have my friends that'll pull me back if I need them, especially Stiles. He's going with Argent, so I'm not too worried. Argent will take care of him, they'll take care of each other.

I knew this was bound to happen, no one stays with their first few loves. My first love was Jackson, you know, before he turned into a major tool. Isaac was more than I needed, he was more than enough. He took care of me when I needed him and he let me do what I needed and now it's time for me to do the same. He needs to do this, no matter how much it hurts, I have to let him do this. 

I tightened my grip on him whispering 'I love you' for the last time and hearing him whisper it back. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.

When I woke up, he was gone.

<^_^<               >^_^>

"I knew you'd eventually find me," Peter said, turning towards the door and smiling at me. I needed information on what was gonna happen so I went with the person that'd know the most. Scott had a protective grip on my wrist, glaring at Peter. I had asked him to tag along just in case, well he more like insisted on coming. He wasn't happy at my choice -well neither was I- but Deaton didn't know anything else. He's helped me enough anyways, he's done so much.

"I just need some information on what's gonna happen to me and my shadow side." I told him, my arms crossed. "Scott and Jasmine pulled me from under his control, and freed me. So, what does that mean for me?"

"Well, no one will be able to control you anymore." He told me, his arms behind his back. "But you can still turn to your shadow side whether it's if you lose control, get stabbed with the angel sword, or Calapran get's into your system. Just like the sword, Calapran can turn you back from a demon or into one. It'll be like a werewolf on their full moon, until you learn to control it. Luckily, that's why I'm here."

He began walking closer, "now, what you did while you were controlled, you'll be able to do those with practice. The illusions you won't because that was more of the Nogitsune and his powers, but the air and earth you will be able to control. You'll only be able to do one of each of them in the span of 24 hours, so if you use both one time each, you won't be able to until the next day. You don't know how to tap into that power yet, but I'm thinking with enough training and practice I can get you there."

An hour later Scott was dropping me off at my house. I hopped off his bike with a sigh, "Scott?" 

He turned to face me, taking off his helmet. "Yeah?"

"Do you think we'll ever be normal again?" I asked him, my eyes on the ground. "Like will the pain ever go away?"

He gave me a smile, "nothing's ever normal in this town, Er." I chuckled quietly and he grabbed my arm. "And pain? Pain is just a side effect to living. We have to get through the pain to get to the peace."

And I was okay with that. I may no longer have Isaac, but I have Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Jasmine, Josh, Derek, Kira, my aunt and uncle, and a newly added addition, Malia since she's going to our school now and Scott's helping her with shifting.

They're my pack, and they'll pull me back when I need them. Some things are never permanent, just like pain. They change, they go away and they come back.

But my pack? They'll always be here. I can count on that.

<^_^<           >^_^>



Question: Do you want Erin with Stiles or Parrish?

Question: Which book in the Newly Bitten series is your favorite so far?


I'll update tomorrow for info on the next book:)


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