Mercury in Retrograde

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So, this is probably just a coincidence but it blew my mind anyway. I was watching a Good Mythical Morning video called "Testing Mercury in Retrograde". I don't want to explain exactly what that is (just look it up) but people like to blame all their problems on Mercury when it's in retrograde. Mercury is the planet associated with communication so when it's in retrograde, communication is supposed to be difficult.

Rhett and Link mentioned a number of things you aren't supposed to do when Mercury is in retrograde. One of those things is launching a magazine. I immediately thought of Spellbound and how many problems it caused because of miscommunication. I was curious to know what time Mercury was in retrograde during that year so I looked it up. I didn't expect this. In 1927, Mercury was first in retrograde from March 4 to March 27. The time of Newt's book signing and when their communication got messed up because of Newt's dumb Auror mistake and when the article about him was probably published!!! I literally almost screamed.

As I said, this is probably just a coincidence, it's such a small detail for it actually be true, but it's still amazing.

Have a good day!


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