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The other night (Saturday night) I had a really weird dream. It kept jumping around the place and characters kept switching but I thought it was worth sharing.

I honestly don't even know if this first part was connected to the main dream but it's what I remember seeing first. The place where I was was somewhere I swear I've been to in dreams before.

I was in a small pool. It was shallow, maybe three feet deep, and round, though it wasn't a perfect circle. There was a little river going out of it and that was about the same depth (also tiled like the pool). The river led to another, smaller pool. One side of the pool was against these large walls of coral while the other looked out into this natural pool with walls made of coral and it was filled with ocean water. (I think it connected to the ocean, even though it was higher up, but I couldn't see that part.) Beyond that pool was the ocean itself. There was a crowded beach and a city behind it.

Now, I don't really remember this part well but I was joined in the pool by a boy and his mother, I think. We were talking and making our way back up the river to the main pool. The whole time, though, I was aware that I had been here before. Eventually, I decided I needed to go.

This is where we get to the main dream. I was not me and I was with, I think, Newt and we were running away from something. (It could have just been any random British man though.) He said we should go into the airport and I was wondering how he would get in because he didn't have an American passport. (Don't ask why you needed an American passport to get into the airport. I don't know.) We went to a side door and slipped inside, ignoring all the people in the line which stretched a long way outside the door. 

Suddenly, I was myself and I was with my dad, though Newt (or whoever it was) was still there. I was clinging to my dad as he got us through.

Then my dad was gone and was replaced by Tina. Now Newt was definitely Newt and I was watching them. They were making their way through the room and I was thinking about how I would write that since it wasn't actually happening and it was just part of one of my stories that I was playing out in my head.

Then Newt and Tina were gone. I was with my brother and Mary. We were still in the airport place but it was kind of weird. My brother vanished and I had picked up this huge Twix bar. (I don't know why. I haven't had any Twix lately.) I asked Mary if she wanted it but she said she wanted the "triangle chocolate". I said it was Toblerone and went to go find some.

Then Mary and I were sitting at a table (with no chocolate) and some of our classmates came past. We spoke but I don't remember what was said.

Then I was on a ski slope. It was a very bright day and it wasn't cold at all. I was riding up the slope on a sled thingy and when I got to the top, I found Mary and my brother (I think) and they were asking if I had gone up the slope on "that thing". I said I had and I was still moving forward, though I was now on an asphalt road.

The road went into a forest and there was a car parked by it. The owner of the car was standing by it and told us to keep walking along the road. We did and we came to this place where there were these really pretty, really tall cliffs. (This is also another place I feel like I've been in dreams before.) I was leaning over the rail and looking at them. Then I referred to them as the "Cliffs of Insanity" (from The Princess Bride). 

I saw a green lizard running up the side of the cliff but then it changed into a bright green hornbill, though it was still climbing the cliff like a lizard.

There was a wooden walkway attached to the cliff. On one side there was the drop, but the other side just had regular land. An eagle flew up and landed on a small platform attached to the supports that held up the walkway. My brother was leaning against the rail above it and began whistling a song (he really likes to whistle). When he whistled a line, the eagle looked up at him and repeated it. I got really excited but he didn't seem to notice. He kept whistling and the bird kept repeating.

Then the bird was a blond man. (As in, it didn't become a man, it had just always been a man. That's just how dreams work.) The platform he was standing on was bigger than it had been and he and my brother were singing a song. They were also joined by Jacob, Newt, and Tina . . . though Newt and Tina were actually Eddie Redmayne and Katherine Waterston dressed as Newt and Tina in CoG. (How do I know it was the actors and not the characters? I just do.)(And just so you know, they looked exactly like the characters, down to the hair. Tina/Katherine's hair was messy like it is after the battle in CoG once they've stopped the flames.)(Also, please don't ask why they were there. I'm not in control of my dream.)

Katherine and Eddie were standing below the walkway on the edge of the platform. (They were still singing.) Katherine almost fell but she was holding onto the supports. I was thinking, They must be used to being high up after having filmed Fantastic Beasts . . . of course, they did film with green screen so they weren't actually that high up. (That's literally what I was thinking. How can I be that logical in a DREAM!)

There was some random person beside me and they had out their phone and were filming the man who also had out a phone and was filming that person as he was singing.

Then the singing was over and Katherin was standing on the other side of the walkway where there was land. She was leaning against something and Eddie walked up to her. She said something about not liking heights and them making her dizzy.

Then I was in a place that was both inside and outside. I was aware that everything before was a dream and I was trying to tell my brother about it. I was telling him that there was a video about it and that it was on Instagram. However, what I was showing him were videos of a group of four teenagers, each of whom was in a different Hogwarts house, doing stupid things. He was trying to tell me that I wasn't showing him what I said I would but I just told him to keep watching.

Then I woke up.

That was a weird dream and I don't really remember all the details.

Although, now that I think about it, that random British man who I think may have been Newt might have actually been either the tenth or eleventh Doctor, or maybe a combination of both. I have been watching Doctor Who recently so it makes sense. Also, he would have used his Psychic paper to get into the Airport without an American passport . . .

Why am I trying to explain a dream logically?

Anyway, have a good day!


Written May 15, 2019.

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