Chapter 4: A Confession

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---Authors Note---
Hey my readers!! I'm considering writing another fanfic that ties into this one. I'm just having a hard time between choosing the ship. It'll be either AppleDash or RariJack. So if you would please comment your favorite ship out of those two! Thanks!! Oh, I almost forgot, there's going to be a bit of a lemon in this chapter, I hope you enjoy!! Please Comment, and Vote!!

---Fluttershy POV---

I started to walk back to my cottage. I was estatic. I couldn't wait to tell my friends, well except Aj, she already knew.

Walking into my house I noticed Discord was sitting on my couch.

"Oh my dearest Fluttershy," He said noticing I had walked in. "How are you today?"

I smiled, I couldn't tell the girls yet,  but at least I could tell Discord.

"I'm great Discord, how about you?" I asked, hoping he'd ask about my day, which he did.

"Mua? Oh I've been absolutely wonderful. What did you do today? You seem awfully happy," Discord said walking up to me.

Once again I smiled, "I got asked out on a date."

Discord's happy composure fell into a sad one but he quickly regained it. He put on a fake smile and congratulated her.

I smiled, happy to see that he was being supportive. Walking into my kitchen I noticed him looking down at my floor with a sad look in his eyes.

---Discord POV---


I flew over to my best friend's house, today was finally going to be the day I told her how I felt. I sighed, feeling the wind through my coat.

I need to fly more often, I thought.

I landed in front of Fluttershy's house with a soft thud.

I knocked on her door and called out, "Oh Fluttershy!! I'm home!!"

I giggles at my own joke and waited, and waited. Finally, I became impatient and teleported myself onto her couch.

Laying there I thought about how I was going to tell such a sweet, delicate pony that the lord of chaos loved her. Unexpectedly, the door opened and Fluttershy walking in.

"Oh my dearest Fluttershy, how are you today?" I asked politely.

She answered and I noticed she was happier than usual. When I asked she said ,"I got asked out on a date."

I felt my heart crack, not break. I was momentarily sad but decided I'd fake it for my friend. Correction, best friend.

She started to walk towards the kitchen, I looked down, holding back tears that were desperately trying to escape. She noticed and came running up to me.

"Discord?! What's wrong?!" Fluttershy exclaimed, well, as loud as she can, being quiet and all.

I looked up into her big teal eyes. They were full of compassion, and without even thinking about it, I pulled her close.

Hugging her I said nervously, "Fluttershy, I think, that I love you."

Big Mac? Or Discord? (Fluttercord/Fluttermac Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now