Part one

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At last, Danny arrived at the apartment were he was going to move in. Inside it was his friend and crush of three years, Drew Gooden. He was about to ring the doorbell but saw a silhouette in the window. It was Drew waving at him to come in. Danny's heart started to beat extremely fast, so fast that it scared him. Was he about to die? No, not yet! He had to survive so he could tell Drew about the true feelings he had been hiding. Drew saw that Danny had turned completely white like a ghost. This scared him but he still went to see what had happened to his poor friend.
"Dude, are you dying?" he asked.

Danny stopped breathing and fainted. Drew caught him and called an ambulance quickly. It took too long. Danny was about to die in his arms, he had to do something. He decided that the only way to save his buddy was to do the mouth-to-mouth procedure. Drew blushed a bit, he was about to kiss his crush. Danny's soft lips were going to touch his. How wonderful! Drew snapped back to reality and started stressing out. He had been daydreaming while his friend was dying in front of him. No time to waste thinking about if it was too late or not. Drew bent over to give Danny sweet air. Finally, an ambulance arrived at the apartment. It was about time!

At the hospital, Drew waited anxiously for the results. What had happened to Danny?
"Hello! Are you Drew Gooden?" a doctor said.
"Yes, that's me. Is Danny alright? Is he gonna die? Oh please doctor, save him!" Drew pleaded.
"Sir, everything is fine for now. I mean, he is breathing and his heart is beating. We are going to take tests to see what went wrong inside him. Probably a heart disease or a lung problem."
"Wait what? What took so long then? I've been waiting here for like an hour to see what had happened to my friend. What did you do to take that long? A surgery?"
"We can't operate until we know what's going on to cause this. The reason it took so long is because we thought he was dead for a while. We declared him clinically dead. Then, he started breathing again and we just put a breathing tube so he could survive."
"What? You declared him dead! What is wrong with our medical system?"
"Anyways, if you want to see him, you can. You have five minutes before we start the tests."

Drew ran in to see his friend asleep. He looked so peaceful. Suddenly, Danny's eyes opened to reveal his tired self. He blinked twice and looked at Drew for a few seconds to understand what was going on.
"W-were am I? Wh-what happened?"
"You're in the hospital. You collapsed in my arms. You really scared me, you know that? The doctors are gonna take some tests to see what went wrong and then they are gonna repair you. Are you okay? Are you still dizzy?"
"What? I collapsed? They're gonna take tests to see what is wrong with me? How much will this all cost? I'm fine! I don't think it'll be necessary. We can go home now."
"What are talking about. You collapsed which means something went wrong in your system. Let the doctors help you and stop talking about money. I don't want you dying on me again so shut up and let them help you."

Danny was shocked. Drew had never been so angry at him before. He didn't understand why he was so mad since he wasn't the one laying in this uncomfortable bed. Did Drew really care that much about him? Maybe he actually had a chance with this dude. Finally, after three years, Danny could confess his feeling without much fear of getting rejected and ruining their friendship. Danny opened his mouth to confess his undying love for this cute boy but the doctors came in to take Drew away. It was time to take the tests. Oh well...

Drew drove for awhile until he arrived at his apartment. Was Danny going to die? Not yet, it can't be! He never had the chance to tell him how he felt about him. The thought of Danny dying was just to much to bear. He felt dizzy. The pain was to much. Drew entered his home and opened a beer. He grabbed the remote to open the TV and watch a random show. Hopefully, this would help him forget the awful thought he had. Not only did he lose his love, Amanda but he was about to lose Danny too. The two most important people in his life were taken from him to or going to be taken from him. These terrible thoughts didn't stop until the third beer. He was in the right direction to get drunk that night. He took a few more beers until he fell asleep.

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