Part five

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Two days later, Danny heard a knock on the door again. Not again! He didn't open the door in fear of it being Logan again. The person knocked again and Danny had enough. He slowly walked to the door with a knife in hand. If that dude wanted to come in he would point the knife at him and threaten him to stab his chest if he doesn't go away. He turned the knob and opened the door. He was prepared for the worst but it was actually his lover waving at him. Tears started falling down from Danny's face. Was he dreaming or even hallucinating? No, this was reality.  Drew hugged Danny and comforted him. It had been five days since Drew had been kidnapped. Five days of nightmares, fears and guilt for Danny. He wasn't ready to confront his lover about his mistake since he didn't know how the guy would react. He decided to stay silent for now and tell him later after Drew settled in. No need to anger him yet.

Danny went to the kitchen to make them diner. Drew sat on the couch, he was really tired. He had only slept three hours per night since he feared that the people would hurt him. At least, they never got physical after taking him away.  He didn't get hit or even touched. He almost never moved either in fear of being assaulted. Drew only listened to his breathing and the sound of the people talking. He was fed twice a day and that's all. Could've been worst.

Danny finally finished making diner and put the food on the table. It smelled great. Drew couldn't wait, he was going to eat a full cooked meal for the first time in five days. He took a bite of the sandwich Danny made for him. It was delicious. After they finished eating, Drew went well to the living room to relax while Danny cleaned the dishes. Drew pulled out his phone and went on Twitter to see what happened while he was gone. He had multiple notifications from concerned fans. They wanted to know if what they saw was true since they knew Danny and Drew were good friends. What had happened while he was away? He clicked on the link and read the title of the article. He couldn't believe it. A tear fell from his eye. This couldn't be true. Danny would never do that behind his back. It must be fake and the photo must be photoshopped, right? He decided that he would show Danny the lies that the press told their viewers.

Danny finally finished the dishes and went to the living room were his lover was relaxing. He expected to see him asleep but in actuality, the guy was sitting straight looking at his phone intensely. He looked as if he had been crying. Danny approached the youtuber and asked:
"Is something wrong sweetheart?"
"Hum... yeah. It's just that the press is gossiping about you and spreading lies. They say that you kissed Logan and they even photoshopped a photo of you kissing. Can you believe these guys? They're so hungry for drama that they invent it now."
"What? What's wrong?"
"It's just that... yeah well... I... didn't mean it... he"
"What? How could you do this to me?And while I was away too! I can't believe it!"
"Wait, I'm sorry. Please don't leave. I pulled him away. He did that. Logan was the one to kiss me!"
"Why didn't you tell me before? I...I need to get out of here."
"Wait no..."
Drew left the house in a hurry leaving Danny alone crying.

After an hour of crying, Danny decided to call Jackie. She always had all the answers to his problems. She answered at the third ring and Danny told her to come right away. After a minute, she rang the doorbell. Danny opened it and let her in. He told her everything that happened with him and Drew.
"Damn...okay. Like I said, you should've told him before he someone else did. I even told you that two days ago but whatever."
"Jackie, you're not helping at all. I already know all that."
"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, when he comes back, you should do something special to apologize."
"I dunno. Maybe buy him an apology gift then say how you really feel about him to his face."
"Sounds cheesy but, sometimes, cheese is good! You're a genius Jackie thank you so much!"
"No problem. What are you gonna buy him?"
"I don't know yet. Maybe I'll be inspired when we arrive at the store or when I see something interesting."
"Well, let's go shopping then!"

They drove to the mall and went to a close by shop. They searched something for a few minutes and Danny found a package of beef jerky. He showed it to Jackie and said:
"I should give him that with a letter saying 'I'm sorry I was a jerk! Please forgive me'"
"Cause it's funny."
"Do you want him to forgive you or no?"
"Of course! I'm gonna do that and buy him a really apology gift."
"I guess that's better than that dumb jerky joke."
They continued searching until they found a cute little gift. It was a heart-shaped pillow with 'I love you' written on it. It was just enough cheese to make the apology work. They went to the cash register to pay and drove back home to get ready for the big apology.

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