Part seven

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The next day, Danny woke up and checked the time. It was 9:30 A.M. He decided to go to the kitchen to make himself breakfast. Danny tried to make himself some pancakes but the smell of food made him sick. He dumped the residue of what was supposed to be pancakes in the sink and went to sit on the couch. Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door. It was Jackie. Danny wondered why she was here since she hadn't called or anything. She then said:
"Are you ready?"
"For what?"
"Drew is coming today probably. It's time to put the plan in action. Come on!"
"I kinda don't care anymore. That dick cheated on me. Look!"
Danny showed her the phone where he had received the texts the night before. He played the video and Jackie observed attentively the screen with a shocked look on her face. It ended and Jackie pulled out her phone and typed something.
"Hey Danny. Wait a sec, I gotta do something real quick, k?"
"Hum... take your time I guess..."
She left the room to go to her appartement. The girl pressed the call button and the phone rang. It didn't take that long for the receiver to answer. Jackie screamed:
"Hey dumbass!!! What the fuck do you think you're doing fucking a dude while you're still with Danny!"
"...Hi Jackie? What do you mean? We weren't together from what Danny said. And why do you care?"
"Dude really? Danny clearly didn't say shit about you guys not being together. By the way, you really broke his heart. We were trying to make things better between you and him. Danny made a mistake and you went behind his back to hurt him. Danny deserves better!"
"Wait Jackie..."
Jackie hung up. She couldn't stand to hear the voice of the guy who broke her friend. She really thought Drew was a nice guy and that the two guys were cute together. Oh well... it happens sometimes. She walked to Danny and Drew's place to see how Danny was doing. She opened the door and saw her friend packing his things.
"Hey! You're back! So... can I like stay at your place temporarily while I find myself one?"
"... Sure. I guess that's the least I can do."

Meanwhile, at Jake's hotel, Drew took Jake's phone which caused his awakening. This startled Drew but made things easier.
"Hey! Did you enjoy our little night?"
"Hum... not really but whatever. Could you show me the video again please?"
"I don't know why you would want that but whatever. Here!"
Drew rewatched the video attentively and noticed his dumb mistake. The video was clearly fake and he fell for it. Drew wanted to cry, scream and punch Jake in the face. The guy took advantage of his sad situation. He probably even knew about it and was the cause. Instead, Drew walked away from the room and started to walk to his house. He didn't even have a clue where he was. After five minutes of walking away from the hotel, he checked where he was and found out that he wasn't that far from his house. Ten minutes later, he finally arrived at his apartment. He suddenly stopped. What was he doing? Danny wouldn't be happy to see him. Maybe Drew should give him space? No! He had to confront the situation head on. He took a deep breath and walked in. He entered his apartment but it seemed lifeless. He called:
"Danny, I'm home!"
Again, no answer. He search everywhere but couldn't find him. Drew tried calling and texting him. Nothing again. He started panicking. Where could his (ex) lover be? He called Jackie expecting no answer since she was Danny's friend. After three rings, she picked up.
"Welp, you came back. Are you her to cry your sorry ass?"
"Jackie, please! Let me talk to Danny. It was all a misunderstanding, I swear!"
"What is to misunderstand in you fucking a dude for revenge?"
"That wasn't entirely the case! I-I... got tricked by Jake."
"Yeah right! Own up to your mistake and leave Danny alone!"
"Jackie, let me talk to him. Please, it'll only be a minute."
"... I guess I'll ask him if he wants."
"Thank you Jackie! You are so kind!"
Drew heard mumbling. It took a minute to have an answer. Finally, a tired voice answered:
"What the fuck do you want? "
"Danny!!! So good to hear you!"
"Cut to the point!"
"... kay... I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone behind your back like that just 'cause you got kissed by someone while I was away. Yes, I was mad that you didn't tell me and that I learnt it from a shitty twitter post. That's not a valid reason. Also, I was drunk and Jake took advantage of the situation by showing me a clearly fake video of you saying stuff like that we were a one time thing or something. I swear he knew about our situation somehow and we can't let this tear us apart. We are meant to be. I truly believe that and please, say you do too."
"...I don't think we are. If we were truly meant to be, you would've understood that the kiss wasn't consensual like I said. You would've understood that I didn't tell you because you just came back and I wanted you to feel at home again before I told you the news. I would've told you! I'm not that kind of guy! I'm not a lying or secretive bastard! I sure as hell don't go behind someone's back intentionally! Also, if we were meant to be, you wouldn't have done that. You brake my heart Drew! I finally had what I wanted just to find out that he is sleeping with an other man when things go a bit wrong. So, no Drew, we are not meant to be! Now leave me alone and don't talk to me again until at least a few months after this. This is goodbye for now Drew! Have a good day!"
The call ended. It left Drew alone in sobs. It took him hours to dry his tears. He thought about what Danny said. He said that Drew couldn't talk to him for a few months. Maybe at that point in time, Danny will have changed his mind and both could live together again. Maybe, they could start dating again and... live a happy life together. That thought made Drew happy and hopeful.

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