Part three

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Drew woke up before Danny. His head hurt but it was all worth it. He had confessed to his long time crush. He looked down at his lover. The man was sleeping and Drew thought he looked cute. Danny's eyes slowly opened. Drew quickly looked elsewhere. He didn't want Danny thinking he was watching him sleep. He would think he was a creep. Danny sat up and yawned.
"Hey sleepyhead! How was your night?"  Drew greeted.
"Good, I guess. I'm gonna make us some coffee." Danny answered.

Danny went to the kitchen to make them that strong coffee that they needed. He was very happy to have finally told Drew about his three years of intense love. The thing was he didn't know if Drew had accepted since he only remembered blurry bits of the night before. The wine really did the job.  Anyways, the coffee was finally ready and Danny poured it in two cups. He called Drew and both sat at the beautiful kitchen table. They drank in silence, a very tense one. Drew broke the silence at last.
"So... Did you really mean what you said last night?" Drew asked.
"Hum... well... I mean... Yeah, I guess." Danny said nervously.
"Great! I-I did too. I mean maybe not for three years but I've... I mean... been crushing on you for quite a while."
Drew was blushing. His heart was pounding very hard but he was happy. His crush had accepted his drunken confession. Wasn't the best confession in the world of course but it didn't matter. Danny, on the other hand, could hardly contain his happiness. He wanted to hug and kiss Drew so hard at that moment. He was sure that they would hit it up really well. What to do next?
"Danny, we should go shopping for new clothes you know since you don't have any 'cause of me. We could go see a movie after I guess. Or eat at a restaurant close by too." Drew said.
"Yeah sure." Danny agreed.
They walked to the car and drove to the mall. Even though it was only ten in the morning, the mall was full of people. Guess people wanted a head start on this beautiful Saturday morning. The two boys started looking around. They found a cute little store with cute little clothes in it. Most of the clothes were colourful and the boys had fun trying some out. Of course, they had to try the weird looking ones first. Drew couldn't stop laughing at his new lover. He looked stupid with the clothes he had chosen. After a few tries, they picked out a good outfit. Drew thought it looked really cute on Danny and they bought it along with a few more items. They went to the cinema but couldn't choose a movie. After ten minutes of bickering, they decided to flip a coin to see which movie they were gonna see. Head for Drew's choice and tails for Danny's. It ended on tails and they went to see The favorite.

Two hours later, they walked out of the theatre. The movie was good and they had eaten the entire pop corn bag. It was a perfect day. Drew kissed his lover passionately. They walked hand in hand back since the mall was about 15 minutes of walk from the apartment. It was dark out but there were still a few people out. After 7 minutes of walking. Drew felt his hand being grab from the left. There was a dark alleyway over on that side and a hand grabbing him. The stranger pulled him closer and Drew let go of Danny's hand. The weird person pulled him tightly so Drew couldn't break free. The poor man was tied up quickly since there was actually two people kidnapping him. Danny was running after them but the kidnappers reached a car with a driver in it. They hopped in with Drew and drove as fast as they could. Danny tried to chase after them but there was no hope. He panted and looked around. He was lost. Danny called the police to report that his friend had been kidnapped. The police didn't care that much. They just said to him to call them back in 24 hours and see if he was back. The police officers were totally useless. He called Jackie. Maybe she could help him get back home. She picked up and Danny explained the situation to her. The girl said that she was coming right away so he told her the street he was on. After 10 minutes, she arrived to the street Danny was on. They drove back in silence.

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