Part four

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Danny went to bed crying. He let down Drew and couldn't save him. How pathetic of him! Now his lover was paying the price. Who knows what these people could do. They could even... No! Danny shook that thought away. He couldn't think like that. Drew was going to be alright and that's that. Well, for now... Danny fell asleep on that thought only to wake up five hours later at three in the morning. He woke up because he had a nightmare about what could happen to Drew. He was scared that he was already too late and that Drew was hurt or worst... dead! Danny started crying on that thought. He really missed that cutie and his kisses. Hopefully he would come back soon.

At ten in the morning, Danny decided to make coffee for himself. After a while, it was finished and he took a quick sip. It was burning his tongue and his inner mouth. He spat it out and cleaned it up. He decided to go change then drink some more coffee. He heard a knock on the door. Who would want to see him? Jackie maybe? After thinking, he thought it could be Drew even if it would be almost impossible for him to escape in such a short time. He walked to the door and opened it up. He wasn't sure if he was hallucinating or if it was reality. Why was Logan Paul at his door? Logan's bluish eyes were looking at him and he had a creepy smile on his face. He let himself in and creeped Danny out.
"My poor cutie, I heard the news. Your little lover was kidnapped, am I right?" Logan asked.
"Hum... yeah... how do you know?" Danny said on his guard.
"I was watching the news this morning and they said Drew had been kidnapped. I was shocked so I went to see you and confort the poor you."
Danny was confused. Logan saw that Danny had a confused look on his face so he pulled out his phone and showed Danny an article. It was poorly written and mentioned racist at some point for no reason. Guess this was this newspaper's specialty. Danny didn't push the issue. Maybe he should have. He was just so overwhelmed to see the signs.
"Thanks but I have Jackie to keep me company. I'm fine now too." Danny said.
"You don't really look fine. Anyways, I brought you a gift. It's not much but I thought you would like it." Logan told him.
Logan gave Danny a cute little teddy bear. Danny took it and asked himself why Logan was at his apartment. He got his answer a few seconds later. Logan pressed his lips on Danny's. It felt soft and Danny didn't resist. He didn't understand what was happening and what he was doing. The kiss lasted at least a big 15 seconds before Danny pushed Logan away.

"What the fuck are you doing you obnoxious shit?" Danny yelled.
"Jeez...I just felt the romantic aura around us and acted upon it. What's wrong cutie?" Logan questioned.
"What romantic aura? I can't believe I didn't push you away before or even kick you outta here when I had the chance!"
"Come on baby! I know you felt that too."
"No! Now get the fuck outta my home and never come back!"
"Come see me if you want some more of this!"
Danny pushed the annoying youtuber out of his door and closed it fast. This guy was such a pain in the ass! How dare he come in his house and kiss him. His voice was so annoying too. He kept talking loudly and bursting his eardrums out. Thank god he was gone! Danny took the Teddy bear and sighed. He messed up big time with Drew. On the first day that his lover was gone, he betrayed him. He really should have pushed this guy away the second he put his lips on his. How was he suppose to explain that to Drew when he comes back? He didn't know. Danny decided to call Jackie so they could go out and talk. She would know what to do.

Meanwhile, Logan was sitting in his car texting someone. The text said these words:
"I did the job. I got the photo. Who should show it to the public? Me or the press?"
Logan sat there with a smile. He finally accomplished the first part of their plan. They were sure to succeed. Drew will be furious when he finds out. Perfect! He heard a sound from his phone. They had responded. It was about time. The text read:
"Great. Show the photo from the press. Make it go viral so they can see. Should we come back now?"
He texted:
"Yes come back. Are you gonna be back by tomorrow or the next day?"
Another sound:
"Depends on traffic. We'll call when we'll be back. Then, we'll meet up somewhere to discuss the rest of our plan."
Good! Now to wait...

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