-A New Day-

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                                  I woke up the next day, hearing both of my alarms go off. One was to make sure I didn't oversleep and end up late, which is always a pain in the ass. The other was for me to take my anxiety medication. I ruffled my hair and grabbed my eye patch off my nightstand, as well as my bottle of anxiety meds, and got up, stretching a bit. I slid the eye patch over my left eye, took the prescribed amount of pills, and stood up, grabbing my clothes. Today's one of the days Akademi says we can dress casually, so i grabbed a blue tank top, a pair of ripped jeans, a pair of indigo High-Tops, and a studded leather jacket with a blue dragon on the back, similar to the one on my eye patch, and put my bottle of pills in my pocket. My parents are overseas for better work, so I send them a text saying 'Hi', and I grab my backpack and Helmet, as well as the lunch i made last night, and head out the door. 

I usually give Shiromi a ride to school, since she doesn't live within Walking distance of the school, so I ride my motorcycle over to her place, where she was waiting for me. She was wearing a white hoodie and black stretch pants with black and white tiger-striped shoes, her scarf around her neck as per usual. 

"Get on, loser," I said, trying to sound like a mix between Regina George from 'Mean Girls' and Musume Ronshaku, "We're going to school."

"Ha Ha, jackass," she replied, chuckling a bit, "You had breakfast, right?"

"Yeah, totally," I lied, "I grabbed a granola bar before I left the house." She doesn't always need to worry about me. I'm fine. Mostly.

"Yeah, right," she said, hopping onto the back of the motorcycle, "That's your fibbing voice. Here." Without another word, she tossed me a Melonpan in a plastic Ziploc bag. "Now drive before we're late and Kuroko kicks our asses for it."

"Please," I muttered, "She'd just negotiate us into not being late; We're good." But I hit the gas and ride to school. 


I decided to eat my lunch after I did my rounds around school, so i had some time to myself. I was thinking about what happened the other day with that Gold-eyed reminder of me fucking up. I was just debating on talking to him, and I guess I wasn't watching where I was going, because I accidentally ran into someone walking Perpendicular to me. They were a lot bigger than I was, so I was knocked over in the collision. I looked up, glaring a little, about to say 'Watch It', like I normally do in these situations, but when I look up to see who this jackass was, I was greeted with cold golden eyes. Fucking. Great. 

"Whoops," he said, peering down at me, offering a hand, "Didn't see you there." He was wearing a black hoodie over his normal yellow shirt, baggy blue jeans, and beat up sneakers, his blonde hair as messy as it usually is.

I took his hand, standing up, pushing my hair out of my face. "Well, yeah," I replied, "Your head is usually too far up your ass to see ahead of you." I then cringed at what I said. Yeah, Because THAT'S the thing to say to a person who you could've helped but didn't. Great job, Numb nuts. 10/10. 

What I was surprised about was his response. He chucked a bit, flashing the faintest hint of a smile. "If you didn't notice," he said, shoving his hands in his pockets, "You were kinda spacing out as well."

"If YOU didn't notice," I said, raising an eyebrow, "Seeing isn't so great with only one eye." At this, he looked generally surprised, which was an abnormal thing for him (Or, for that matter, ANY delinquent here) to express. 

"Wait," he said, gesturing to my eye patch, "You're ACTUALLY missing an eye?" He tilted his head to the side, eyeing where my left eye would be, curiously. "I always thought you wore it to cover, like, a scar or something, Like Kokuma from the Occult Club."

"It's a Long story," I replied, "But yeah; I am, actually, missing an eye." I looked up at him, standing ever so much straighter than normally, "I could show you, if you want."

"Alright,"  he said, raising an eyebrow, "Now you've got me curious." He crossed his arms, peering down at me. "Go for it."

I moved my hand over my eye patch, as if I was about to lift it off of my eye. He got a bit closer so he could see better, but I backed up, smirking a bit. 

"Sorry," I said, moving my hand back to my side, "I don't really show this shit to people I barely know." I looked back up at him. He seemed a bit disappointed, but I still smirked. "But hey; that doesn't mean you'll NEVER see it." I turned around, walking off, but not before saying one last thing. "I always head to the Yanagi Cafe near school with Shiromi around, Like 3:30 for food, since we never have anything else to do. You're welcome to come along." I walked off, leaving the guy standing in the hallway. 


Me and Shiromi pulled into the parking lot of the cafe. I already explained the situation, and she was on board. She said that it was good I was "Picking Up dudes"...Okay maybe I shouldn't have said "I invited Umeji to join us." Maybe I could've worded it better. I fucked up. Awesome. 

"You wait out here for your boyfriend," She said, "I'll go get us a Table." Before I could enlighten her on the fact that we were BARELY even acquaintances, she jogged off through the door. SO, I waited outside to see if Umeji was actually going to show up. 

About 5 Minutes later, I was pretty sure he wasn't coming, so I was about to walk in. However, as I had just turned to go In, I heard a car pull up to the side of the building. I looked over and saw a beat up car had pulled up to where I was. In the drivers seat sat Osoro Shidesu, who was wearing a black tank top and basketball shorts, as well as sneakers, her messy blonde hair somewhat neater. Umeji stepped out of the passenger seat, and after shutting the door, peered into the window. 

"Shoot me a text when You're done with your date, alright?" She muttered, smirking a bit, "I'll give you a ride back to your place."

Umeji turned slightly pink at this, sighing a bit. "It's not a DATE, Osoro," he muttered, possibly because I was standing right behind him, "She just Invited me here with her other friend...I think that's a thing friends do."

Osoro shrugged, popping a piece of gum into her mouth. "Fair," she replied, shifting the car into 'drive', "We do the same shit; except we just hang behind the school. Later, man." She drove off, Leaving us just staring at her car as it gets farther and farther away. 

"Well then," I uttered, catching his attention, "You two seem to have a good relationship. Which is surprising, since I always thought she hated literally everyone."

Umeji shrugged, turning to face me. "Yeah, she can be a bit of a dick sometimes," he replied, stepping off of the curb, "But when she wants to be, she can be pretty cool. She's kinda like a sister to me."

"That's pretty cool," I said, smiling a little, as I held the door open, "C'mon; Shiromi already got us a table."

He nodded, putting his hands in his pockets. "Alright," he replied, "I can pay for my own food by the way."

I shook my head, smirking a little once again. "Don't worry about it," I replied, "I invited you; I'll pay. Now let's get inside before Shiromi suspects some shit."

He nodded in agreement, seeing as that would be certain death for the both of us, and walked in, me in tow, to find where Shiromi decided we should sit. 

(Well this is already at 1376 words, so Imma leave it here. Lemme know what you think so far; Constructive Criticism is always welcome, as is things I should add. Laterz!


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