- Morning -

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Sunlight crept through the windows as I slowly started to wake up. I shifted a bit, opening my eye, attempting to look around. As I rubbed my eye, the events from last night came back into focus. Right. Umeji moved in last night, and we watched a movie together last night. I must've fallen asleep halfway through the movie. A few seconds after I opened my eye, I noticed that my arms were wrapped around something, and what I could only assume were two arms were wrapped around me as well. I blinked a few times, looking upwards to what I was hugging.

                        I almost forgot that Umeji was next to me when I fell asleep.

                        I felt my heartbeat quicken, and I could feel my face start to heat up. I quickly averted my eyes to look for the clock, to see how long we slept. It was 10:00 AM; a full 10 hours of sleep. I would've been grateful, but my situation more or less prevented me from truly appreciating the amount of sleep I was able to get.

                    Just as I had mentally decided to attempt to leave without waking him, I felt the arms around me loosen a bit, as Umeji stirred, yawning a little. I immediately shut my eye; I hadn't really moved too much, so I could easily pass it off as if I was still sleeping.

After a few seconds of silence, I felt him nudge my shoulder a bit. I faked a yawn, as if I was just waking up. I peered up at him, rubbing my eye. He looked about half asleep, and his hair was sticking up in all different directions. I smiled, messing with his hair a bit. He cocked an eyebrow, smiling a little.

"You, sir," I chuckled a bit, still smiling, "Are the crowned KING of bead head." I gestured to his hair, raising an eyebrow at him. "How did you even DO that?"

"Oh, OKAY, Ms. Helmet Hair," he snickered, gesturing to my hair, which I hadn't bothered to fix after we got home last night, "You have ZERO room to talk."

"Fine," I sighed, sitting up, "I'll make breakfast." I stood up, stretching a little. "Any requests?"

"I'll have whatever you're making," I heard him say behind me. He let out another quiet yawn. "I'm not exactly picky."

I nodded a bit, heading over to the kitchen. I grabbed the carton of eggs from the fridge, and a frying pan from the cabinet. I sprayed some cooking spray into the pan, before cracking two eggs into it. After a minute, I flipped the eggs over, waiting for the other side to cook. While that was cooking, I popped four pieces of toast into the toaster.

Once the eggs were cooked, I slid each of them onto separate plates. Once the toast was done, I added butter onto them, placing two onto each plate. "Yo," I said, peering over at him, "There's milk and orange juice in the fridge, is that cool?"

Umeji nodded, smiling a bit. "Like I said, I'm not picky." He walked over to the kitchen, looking in the fridge. "I'll take Orange juice; What do you want?"

I peered over, gesturing to the cabinet next to the fridge. "I'll take that too; cups are in the cabinet." He nodded a bit, grabbing the gallon of Orange juice, as well as two cups.

           We sat down with our plates at the table, which only had two chairs to begin with; it was normally Me and my Aunt, at most, so we had the other chairs put away. I made a mental note to grab other chairs.

         After a few seconds of silence and eating, I heard him speak. "So," he said, ruffling his hair, "I've got a question." He looked sideways, taking a sip of his Orange Juice. "It's okay if you don't wanna answer it, but I've been curious for a while now."

          I cocked an eyebrow, smiling a bit. "Alright, shoot." I said, taking a sip of my orange juice, "What's your question?"

          He paused for a moment, seemingly thinking. Part of me was hesitant in saying 'yes' so quickly, but I remembered last night; he showed me a huge part of what was going on in his life. I might as well help him understand me a bit better.

         "How'd you lose your eye?"

A/N : Hey, all! Sorry this one's a bit short; I had some pretty bad writers block this past two weeks. The next chapter's going to be a flashback, so strap in!

- Ky

Let's Start Over... Aoi X UmejiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora