- New Home -

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                   We rode back to my house, pulling into the driveway. We left our helmets on the motorcycle, walking through the door. I flopped down on the couch, sighing a little. Part of me was ready to just call it a day. However, something had been bugging me since this morning. Who was he arguing with this morning? Why was he in such a rush to get to school? I couldn't help but worry.

                    I peered over at where Umeji was. He was sitting on a nearby chair, peering down at his phone. I spoke up, clearing my throat. "Hey, 'Mej..?" He peered over at me, raising an eyebrow. I continued. "Can I ask you something..?"

He smiled a little, putting his phone down. "You just did." He snickered a bit. "But seriously, yeah, ask away."

I sat up, trying not to look as nervous as I felt. "So...you were in a rush to get to school today..." I messed with the end of my shirt, looking downward. "You sounded like you were arguing with someone while you were walking out..." I looked back up at him, crossing my arms out of habit. "Is..." I hesitated for a second. I almost dropped the subject, but I had to know. Something might really be wrong. "...Is Something going on?"

                 Umeji fell silent for a few seconds, looking downward. He crossed his arms, finally meeting my eyes. "I was arguing with my Old Man..." His voice was less strong than it was. "He drinks a lot, and he's got some pretty bad anger issues." He gestured to the scar over his right eye. "This is one of the souvenirs I was given from one of the times he was drunk."

                  I looked at him for a few seconds. I had hoped that I was just overthinking things like I normally do, but the worst case scenario ended up being the correct scenario. I couldn't let him stay there anymore, if this is what wad happening to him. I stood up, walking over to him. I peered at the scar over his eye, no doubt one of many. My mind was made up.

                 "Alright, here's what I'm gonna do." I grabbed one of his hands, staring into his eyes. "There's a spare room in the house where you can stay. We can go out today and pick up some clothes for you; on me." I smiled a little, attempting to cheer him up. "We can grab lunch while we're out, if you want." I thought a little, ruffling my hair. "If you have anything back at your house, I can have my Aunt come with us to grab your stuff; she's a cop, and there's likely enough evidence to arrest your dad." I looked sideways, thinking a little. What if I'm overstepping? What if I'm making this out to be a bigger deal than it actually is? What if-

                "...Would you really be okay with that..?"

                I snapped out of my own thoughts, seeing his expression. His eyes held a lot of shock, bordering onto hope. It wasn't an expression I commonly saw on him. I was silent for a few seconds before I responded.

               "C'mon, 'Mej, I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't okay with it." I smiled at him, lightly punching him in the shoulder. "If you're alright with living here, I'm alright with it."

He stared at me for a few seconds longer, before he stood up. He pulled me into a hug, almost squeezing the life out of me, knocking me back a little. I hugged back after a few seconds, grinning.

A moment or two later, I pulled away, crossing my arms. "Well, what are we waiting for?" I grabbed the keys to the motorcycle off a nearby side table. "Where do you wanna stop to get clothes?"

He shrugged, standing up. "Anywhere's fine; I'm not super picky with clothes." He shoved his hands in his pockets, following me out the door.

I nodded, walking to where I parked the Motorcycle, tossing him his helmet. "We can stop by the mall in the Shopping District; they've got some shirts I think you'll like." I put on my own Helmet, hopping on the Motorcycle. Umeji got on behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist like he was supposed to.

           Aoi, chill the fuck out. Chill. The. Fuck. Out.

Let's Start Over... Aoi X UmejiWhere stories live. Discover now