-Catching Up-

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                 When we walked in, I could spot Shiromi from across the room, sitting at a table with two other chairs. She peered over towards the doorway, where we were, and started frantically waving us over, a big goofy smile on her face. I grabbed Umeji's arm and pulled him over to the table, to limit the time Shiromi spent looking like a crazy person.

            "Jeez, Shiromi..." I said, shifting uncomfortably in my seat, "People are gonna think you're a mental patient or something..!"

Shiromi chuckled. "Bold of you to assume they don't already think so." She sips the water that was already placed at the table. "Anyway, now that Edgy McBlondicus is here-"

I kicked her leg from under the table. "Shiromi!" I hiss under my breath, "Don't be an asshole!"

"Right!" Shiromi nods, smirking in my direction for some reason, "Anyway, I'm Shiromi. Aoi's the voice of reason, for obvious reasons. What do you bring to the table?"

Umeji sat quietly for a few seconds, thinking a little. He then spoke up, pointing a finger gun. "Pessimism," He said, smirking ever so slightly, "That's all I got."

I didn't bother to mention that I've already got that going on because that would make everyone uncomfortable. "And I've got shit ideas and panic attacks!" Fuck dammit, why did I say that? What the hell is wrong with me?! Oh god dammit he's gonna think I'm weird and I'll never get to apologize for fucking up and- Wait...

Umeji smiled a bit more, crossing his arms. "I guess we're all fucked up, ey?" I pray that he didn't see me internally freaking out and attempt to sit up straight.

"So. Umeji," I started, trying to make conversation, "Uh...how've you been..?" I mentally facepalmed at the question. That's really all I could come up with? IDIOT.

              He didn't really seem to mind, surprisingly. He just shrugged a little. "Eh, same old, same old," he replied, looking to the side a little, "Pissing off Gaku, keying Kashiko's car, you know; usual shit."

I laughed a little at the thought of that; she always kinda had that one coming. "Thank god SOMEONE did it," I replied, "I never liked her."

He raised an eyebrow at this, a small smile appearing on his face. "Really? I always thought Megami's guard dogs had to like everyone." He thought for a few seconds, looking at the table. "Or maybe that's just because Kuroko and Akane are more well known and are seen that way.

I was about to reply, but Shiromi started talking before I could.

"Oh, don't get me STARTED with Aoi's views on everyone here," she began, despite my non-verbal protests, "Half the time, she almost joins in on the fights she's trying to stop on account of how stupid their reasons for fighting are!"

I mentally facepalmed, trying to think of words to explain myself. "Half the time it's over some girl, and other times it's over money or something." I crossed my arms, leaning back a little. "It's like these guys don't have anything better to do."

"I can understand that," he responded coolly, as Shiromi ordered muffins for the table, "I'm not a fan of a lot of people here either."

I couldn't help but snicker a little. "Well, yeah, I GUESSED that." I smiled a little at him. "You don't exactly have the track record of a super friendly person."

He feigned surprise at this, eyes wide. "No, REALLY?" He sounded like he could barely keep from laughing. "I thought I was a ray of sunshine!"

I started cracking up a little, playing along. "I know, right?" I pretended to look surprised as well. "It's almost like people don't know constructive criticism about their dumb behavior when it literally hits them in the face!"

We both tried to keep straight faces, but that whole thing fell apart after a couple seconds, and we both lost it. I could tell Shiromi was giving me "The Look", but at that point, I could care less.

For the next half hour, the three of us ate our muffins, chatting about the idiots we have for classmates, cracking jokes all the while. At around quarter after 3, I got a text from my aunt, asking me to come help out at the Military Recruitment Center. I love helping out there more than certain relatives of mine, so it wasn't really something I wanted to miss.

"Sorry to cut this short, but I've gotta get going," I said, standing up. "Do either of you need a ride home?"

"Nah, I can always blackmail Akane into giving me a ride." Shiromi casually put her hands behind her head like she normally does, smiling a little. It's gotten to the point where when she talks about blackmail, I can't tell if she's joking or not anymore, so I left it alone.

"I'm alright as well," Umeji said, pulling out his phone, "Osoro said she'd pick me up after we were done here. See you around, I guess."

I nodded, walking out. "See you around," I responded, waving a little, walking out the door. I texted my aunt that I was on my way, grabbed my motorbike, and sped off to the Recruitment Center.

Let's Start Over... Aoi X UmejiWhere stories live. Discover now