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taehyung neatly folded the letter before putting into a lavender envelope with care. lavender was a favorite color both taehyung and jungkook shared.

everything reminded taehyung of his little bunny. it was killing him.

he neatly wrote in cursive lettering,

'letter to my love'

he knew jungkook would never see the letter. as he was too late.

but that didn't stop him from doodling sweet hearts on the corners before scribbling, "my dearest jeon jungkook" on the back.

how he missed him so much..

taehyung was simply hysterical.

over-rid with emotion, ecstasy as he was going to be with his bunny so soon. his beautiful baby bunny that deserved the world but only received dust.

the same words kept repeating in taehyung's head,

it's my fault, it's all my fault.

after setting the lavender envelope on his desk, he'd opened his apartment door for the first time in a while, but nobody would've noticed if he'd stayed in there for all of eternity.

taehyung exited the apartment, closing the door, and making his way to the rooftop of his apartment complex,

jungkook on his mind.

of course.

he felt so free, standing at the top of the complex. he was ready to be with jungkook whom he prayed would forgive him if they were to meet again.

taehyung brought himself to step to the edge, arms spread out before taking a step too far, causing him to plummet to the ground.

he could've swore he heard his kookie screaming his name from above him, he needed to be with his kookie.

he wasn't ready but in that moment, taehyung felt absolutely euphoric.

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