
971 18 0

@malinaweissman created a gc

@malinaweissman added @louis.hynes @avi_lake @tommyboievans @jessamine.ava_ @cassie.evannnns and @polly.jones

@malinaweissman named the group
the i 💙 dyla fanclub

welcome everyone

@jessamine.ava_: oh fuck yes!!

@louis.hynes: so are we going to set these two up or what?

you know it ;)

@jessamine.ava_: okay we need a plan

oh i've already got one
I'll tell you guys over video call

alright, I can't wait to hear
your plan!!

Seen by (everyone, because the author can't be bothered typing all their users out) at 1:02am

Unexpected||Dylan KingwellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora