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Malina and Avi sat waiting for Louis in their hotel room. They were going to have an emergency meeting for their 'Dyla Plan'. Louis had messaged Malina that morning and told her that he had some 'tea' for their plan. Which basically meant that Dylan had told Louis something that would help them and their plan.

After Louis had reached their hotel room, Avi let him inside the room and the three of them walked over to Malina's bed and sat down.

"So spill the tea." Malina said with a big smile on her face.
"Okay, so last night me and Dylan played truth or dare and I may of asked him who he had a crush on..." Louis replied.
"Go on!!" Avi said excitedly
"He was kind of hesitant at first but then he told me he's had a crush on Lola for about 2 months now and after he told me that, he just started gushing about Lola."
"OH. MY. GOD!!" Malina shouted excitedly

Before either Avi or Louis could stop her, Malina had jumped off the bed and ran out of her hotel room. Both Avi and Louis looked at each other with nervous looks on their faces and then they ran after Malina.


Malina knocked on Dylan and Louis' hotel door.
"Can i come in?" She said trying to hide the excitement in her voice. After saying that, both Avi and Louis appeared at her side.
"Yeah, you can come in." Dylan called from inside the room.
Malina then opened the door and walked inside, Louis and Avi following behind her.

Dylan looked at the three of them with a confused look on his face.
"Uh, so what did you want?" He asked, he sounded a bit nervous.
Malina didn't say anything, she just walked across the room, grabbed a chair and placed it in front of Dylan's bed so that she was facing him. Then she sat down in the chair.

Dylan looked over at Avi and Louis checking to see if their faces could give him any clue as to what was going on, but they looked just as clueless as he felt.
"So Dylan, I may or may not have heard from Louis that you've had a crush on Lola for two months now." Malina said.
"Louis! I told you not to tell anyone." Dylan said and turned to look at Louis.

"Sorry, but I had to tell them. It's going to help our plan." Louis replied and then Dylan turned back to look at Malina.
"Anyway," Malina continued "You should really tell Lola how you feel, and also you know. Ask her out"
Dylan looked at Malina as if she was crazy.

"No way! She'd definitely reject me!"
Now it was Avi, Malina and Louis who we're looking at Dylan as if he was crazy.

"Dylan are you kidding me," Louis cut in "Didn't you see those messages on the group chat, Lola basically admitted to having a crush on you."
"Yeah I did, but that doesn't mean she won't reject me..."
Avi, Malina and Louis all rolled their eyes in sync.

"Dylan, I swear to god. If you don't ask Lola out by the end of June, I'll do it for you." Malina said, it was evident that she was starting to get annoyed, and you don't want to annoy Malina.
"Okay, okay. I promise I'll ask her out by the end of June." Dylan said and drew a cross over his heart to symbolise that he was swearing on his life.
"Good, now let's all get out of this hotel and go over to Lola's. We're meeting Cassie, Tommy and Jessamine today."

Unexpected||Dylan KingwellTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang