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There was nothing to catch your interest out there. Just a vast of land stretching on an on as far as your eyes can see. There was not a single tree in sight, not a single person walked the streets. Because there was none. There was the sun which shone brightly, but its light was hot and painful when it hits your skin.

Thats not only it, it was  sunny but the atmosphere was very cold. Jimin and Jungkook thanked whatever god was there that they were currently under three layers of clothes. Hills we're covered with white sheets of snow and the area was very dangerous.

Then there's the last part. There were not–so– pretty wolves roaming around the area. They were the carriers of the virus, it all started with them.

Most of them feed on nice and other small living creatures they can find. But that was exactly the problem. They weren't attacking because they were still fed. But when they eat the last mice, the last dog, or the last bird they will surely attack the headquarters.

Their fur were greasy and most of them had bald patches on their back and heads. Their skin clinged to their skinny forms, outlining their ribs, streams of saliva drips out from their mouth into the ground. When one drop of it enters your system, it shuts you down instantly.

You won't die, but maybe dying could be the best solution there is. You won't die but it will only take the virus a few minutes, less than an hour probably, to enter your brain.

You'll be droven to insanity, hell. You'll hurt yourself but won't feel physical pain. In fact, you're already dead but only your brain is working. You won't be human anymore. You'll be worse than an animal.

"You good? Are you not cold? Want me to give you my jacket?" Jungkook pulled Jimin closer to him for extra warmth as they walk side by side in the snowy land.

Jimin pushed his hand away from him and went as far as he could from the boy. "Im not a baby anymore, stop doing that."

"You know what, this kind of conversation is getting old. Let's not fight over this, alright." Jungkook raised both his hands up in surrender but ended up opening them wide, waiting to engulf Jimin into a hug.

Jimin rolled his eyes but still let his arms swing around the older boy's waist while they continue to walk, hips brushing with each other's. "What are we looking for again? Did we ran out of water? That shit is going to be hard to find in liquid form in this kind of situation."

Jimin rubbed his hands and arms to create warmth from friction. His right hand went to shield his eyes from the blinding light the sun offered them. The world really is a messed up place.

"No, it's a lot harder to find than that. And sad to say that it's really risky." Jungkook wanted to go against Namjoon when he knew why he send them for. The leaders don't even want to go near that thing and now they want them to get one?

"What is it?"

"A pixie."

Jimin's eyes went wide, a thing only jungkook can only see sometimes considering that his eyes were too small.

"A pixie?!" Jimin's shout echoed against the winds. "Are they really serious? What if it activates and we don't know it did? What if it traps us inside?!"

A pixie is a small ball of orange light that falls from the sun and has strong magnetic properties. It's so strong that when activated, it connects to another universe and sucks everything near it and shoves it to the other end of the portal.

In other words, you'll be suck by a portal and dumped in to an unknown world, not entirely sure it it's possible for humans to survive there.

The reasons why the leaders won't want to touch it nor activate it in a not secluded place is because they still don't know how the thing activates or works at the first place. In fact, they don't know anything about a pixie except that it can open up portals.

"But the real question is, how and where do we get one?" Jungkook asked.

"Namj– Dr. Kim said that you can find it anywhere. I'm not listening well that time because Bambam was making weird noises. But he did say something about how noise attracts it. And the he said the word 'but' which means there's something more to it but I forgot what he said."

Jungkook turned to him with a serious expression. "Are you telling me that you don't know what we're supposed to do?"



"Hyung, that's not what I mean. I did listen to him and I do know how we're gonna do it but I'm afraid that I missed something important." Jimin pouted, knowing that if he did so, Jungkook might let his stupidness slide off.

"Jimin, please don't do this to me. I don't wanna die yet, okay?"

Jimin smiled at him, trying to make cute faces.

But their attention were immediately caught by a buzzing orange light zooming in the air.

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