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"And where is the pixie I asked you?" Namjoon sat on his chair behind his desk, his fingers playing with the pen he was using when he was writing a report before Jimin and Jungkook interrupted him.

Judging by how he arranged his office, Namjoon is that person that wants everything in order, but in an unusual way. The bookshelf is behind him, completely against the wall, however the books weren't arrange in order by numbers.

The books on the top level is arranged by their height. Starting from the right side it was shortest to tallest. The ones that were on the second level was arranged from thickest to thinnest. And the books on the last level are from the darkest cover to the lightest.

The clock is all the way up on the ceiling and there's a pot of flower with blue petals on his desk. Jungkook stared at it, trying to remember what kind of flower it is. He was sure that he never saw one like that before. It's petals were a combination of blue and purple fighting for dominance.

Namjoon looked at what Jungkook was staring and a smile appeared on his face, the dimples on both sides of his cheeks was shown. "Pretty isn't it?"

Jungkook nodded. "I don't remember seeing one like that. Is it real?"

"It depends with you. It's not real though, but sometimes I think it is. Someone special gave it to me. Now don't change the subject, A2. Did you get me what I asked for?"

Jungkook sighed. "We were chased by wolves. How do you expect us to catch one when we were almost the menu for dinner."

Namjoon didn't say anything, he alternate his stares between Jungkook, who looked tired and mentally prepared himself for Namjoon's scolding , and Jimin who was quiet since he stepped foot inside the office.

And Namjoon did wanted to scold them for not getting what he wanted. But just like he told Jimin, they are the top priority. So Namjoon just leaned further back on his chair before saying. "Thats fine. I hope you didn't tire yourselves. Go to your chamber and get some rest."

"Namjoon." Jimin spoke softly. It was the first thing he said and he chose to speak with Namjoon informally. "There's something that we found out when we were out there."

Jungkook knew where this was heading so he broke eye contact with the doctor and looked at the boy next to him, playing with his stubby fingers to ease his nervousness.

"What is it?" For a moment, Jimin thought he saw a faint flash of fear in the older's eyes but it was gone as soon as he saw it. Namjoon sit back straight adjusting his tie that was starting to choke him.

"There are other people out there. Children. They're starving, Namjoon. And if we don't act fast, they'll soon die." Jimin's voice seemed to get a tone louder.

"Those people are infected, A5. Do you really want me to bring these ticking bombs inside here? Not all of us are immune to the virus. I can't just risk everyone here and everything we built just because some people need our help."

The more Namjoon spoke, the more jungkook's eyebrows knitted together. He can't believe he just found a loop hole in the doctor's words.

"You said there weren't anyone left out there. You said that you rescued everyone that you can and brought them safely here. Are you telling us that you lied and there are others who are suffering out there? I can't believe you could be this selfish. Those people out there who you abandoned might be some of our families and you never even told the group!"

Oh, Jungkook is angry. One of the things he hates the most is being lied to. He felt heat on his cheeks, he knew he might've look like an angry tomato by now but he didn't care.

"Dont you dare disrespect your leader!" Namjoon shot back. "Im still the one who's in charge here so I advice you to bite your tongue. Everything I have ever decided and ever done was for the whole group. There are seven hundred people in here and I won't risk anyone of them."


Jimin was lying on his and Jungkook's bed. He felt guilty. What if there were families out there who was still waiting to be saved. What if they are children who are infected.

People were suffering while they are repulsively eating their favorite food, having feasts, there was even a time where Jimin was drunk every night.

Jungkook just got out of the shower, fully clothed but his red hair is still dripping wet, a small towel hanging on his shoulder.

Jungkook went under the covers and snuggled to Jimin just like he always does. He smell like Jimin's favourite shampoo and he was wearing a normal plain white shirt and his boxers.

Jimin feels soft when he sees Jungkook like this, unlike his usual black leather jacket that made him look so unreachable.

"Stop worrying. Tomorrow is another day, baby. Hyung is gonna take a day off with training and since you're under me, you'll be off too." Jungkook placed a gentle kiss on the younger's temples, wrapping an arm around Jimin's tiny waist.

"Im not. Just tired. Now, spoon me."

Jungkook can't understand how someone can be so cold change to something like a pancake.

Jimin turned around to let Jungkook be the big spoon and hug him to sleep. Sure enough Jimin fell asleep, making light snores.

As the years go by, Jungkook can't help but to think of Jimin more than a brother, more than a friend. He knows it's wrong so he doesn't say anything. But nights like this, he just wants to claim Jimin.

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