Philip Hudson

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  Frisk and I were heading to the entrance, about to visit our next destination when I felt her let go of my hand and pull on my arm gently with both of her arms. "Sans" she whispered loudly. I turned to her, cautious.

  "Hm?" I hummed, looking at her and then all around us.

  "Look" she ordered me. She nudged her head in a direction and I looked there only to find Marie sitting with a guy I presumed to be her boyfriend.

  "Oh, look who's arrived!" I announced only to her. To be honest, I just wanted to get out of here so we could do some more activities together. She shook her head.

  "No, Sans, look at who she's with" she constructed. What is she talking about? I saw that it was her boyfriend. I looked anyway but it still didn't ring any bells. I looked at her, puzzled. When she realized I wasn't getting it, she told me, "Sans! It's Philip!". I turned my head away from her to think. Philip? I don't know who...Philip? Philip...Philip! PHILIP! I rapidly turned my head to face her, wide-eyed.

  "You still remember what he looks like?!" I gasped. She just giggled and nodded. Before any of us could say or do anything, she bounced over to them and asserted herself.

  "Hi!" she chirped, putting both of palms on the edge of their table and leaning her back over. Both members of the couple just looked surprised but eventually, Philip realized who his girl that blatantly showed herself was. Heh, how could he forget? Frisk has the most unforgettable face. His eyes widened as he realized this and asked her just in case.

  "Um, hi! Did you go to Ebbot Middle? Because you look like one of my old classmates" he inquired, not quite sure yet. 

  She nodded her head rapidly and confirmed in a confident, cheerful tone, "yes! It is me! Frisk Dreemurr!". Frisk was acting very friendly and kind to him, considering what happened with them in eighth grade. I guess that's only fair; he was only a young teenage boy when he did those actions and there's a good chance he matured as he grew up. He's got a nice, pretty lady like Marie, he's gotta have changed up his act to get a girl like her and I think Frisk knew that as well.

  "F-Frisk? Oh yes, I remember you now, we went to school together" He stated the known.

~Frisk's P.O.V~

  "Yes-" I grabbed a chair from an unused table at the restaurant and placed it at Marie and Philip's table before scooting it further to the table and rested my elbows on the table while placing both of the palms of my hand on my cheeks. "Philip Hudson," I started calmly, reassuring that I knew his full name without him telling me. He looked surprised and then just nervous.

  "Um...yeah, that's right" he scratched the back of his head. "Well, it's always to meet an old...friend" Philip sounded completely unconfident and unsure. I knew how he was feeling but I really wanted to know what he was like now.

  "Oh, I had no idea you and Philip were already friends!" Marie admitted excitedly without any awkwardness that Philip was showing. "Hey, hun, you didn't tell me you knew this kind, young lady!" she turned to Philip with a big, twinkling grin.  Philip simpered at her and looked at me with the same expression before. "I don't remember you from school," Marie told me with the same cheerful tone.

  "...That's because she didn't go to the same high school as us..." Philip mumbled with a low, self-aware voice. Marie turned to me curiously.

  "Oh?" she questioned. That's when I started to put it together. I knew Philip had left the ebbot school system to move to a different high school that his ex also intended. This ex was the same girl he was with while he was with me. I have never had actually met this girl in person, Asriel just told me about her as he was actually the one who busted Philip; he told me that this girl was pretty much drop dead gorgeous and was past physical development at her age which was fifteen at the time; he did not tell me her name or what she looked like. That same girl is the one Philip is with now. Marie.

A Fralentine Story (A Valentine Special 2019)Where stories live. Discover now