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  I woke with a start and hit the back of my head abruptly on whatever was behind me. Out of my squinting eyes, I could make out blinding light rapidly flicking off and on. The more my vision cleared and opened, the more I could make out. I was sitting up and that was weird because I remember my bed being flat down; the lights flicking off and on rapidly were not actually flashing but rather, we were passing a bunch of road lights—on a road!

  I started to panic and looked all around me frantically to figure out where the heck I was. I was inside a car but barely paid attention to who's car I was in. "Hey, hey, chill, there's no need to panic," a voice from my left told me nonchalantly. I swiped to the familiar voice as soon as the words started to leave her mouth. I was relieved to know nothing bad was happening but that did not stop me from being extremely confused.

  "Chara, what are you doing? Where are we going? WHY ARE WE TRAVELING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT??" I stuttered.

  "Becuase I wanna know Mr. Thiccbone's answer!" she replied like it was just the most obvious thing. Chara was coming up with all sorts of inappropriate nicknames for Sans when I started dating him. The first few times of her doing it, I got flushed and told her to stop but now, she has said it so much, it barely even notice it. Not to mention "Thiccbone" is not near as bad as a lot of things she has called him.

  "Chara..." I looked up at the time on the car that read five O' clock A.M. "It is five O' clock! We could have waited at least until eight O' clock!"

  "Yeah but," Chara smirked and motioned her head around, "I wanna see your face when you find out your own boyfriends has done something you consider absolutely disgusting." She turned to wink at me before turning back to the road. 

  I turned to look ahead at the road for a way before I assured her, "please, Sans has already done so many gross things already; I will not be too grossed out if I figure out that he has eaten it."

  "Yet you're dating him..."

   "He is a good guy—even if he eats nasty cocoa bars," I mumbled the last part before giggling about it. Chara just scoffed quietly while shaking her head disapprovingly. I do not blame her for not understanding my attraction to Sans; I do not imagine she would like someone with such a confident and dominant personality or his witty remarks that she finds immature a lot of times. She would like someone not as witty or dominant as Sans and is a lot timider and gets flustered a lot easier. Someone like, well, someone like me! I would not be an option for her, though, because she is not into girls and even if she was, I am not into girls. Though, she is like Sans in a lot of weird ways so it makes sense why she and Sans do not get along very well. Two people fighting for control. A relationship like that would never work. Not that Sans is exactly controlling or cocky, just that someone who is as sarcastic and tries as hard as Chara does, would not be the ideal thing he looks for in someone he would want to spend the rest of his life with; and just like Sans, Chara wants someone who she can easily talk to or laugh with who is not overbearing or matches up to her craziness or temper, someone she can feel like understands her and does not feel like just another her that is going to weigh her down. A sweetheart.

  "While we're on the subject, Frisk, could I...ask you a favor?" she asked me after a moment of silence.

  "Yeah, sure! What is on your mind?" I replied happily with a grin.

  "Could you...lay off Sans while we're there? I find it pretty uncomfortable when ya'll are being all sweet with one another and I also just wanna see Sans reaction to having you right at his fingertips but not being able to reach out to take his little buttercup into those fragile arms on his!" Chara started to lean forward eagerly as she spoke and I could have sworn I heard her voice go a little demotic as she said that last sentence. Her eyes were full of mischief and she looked completely unfocused with the world around her before she blinked the expression away and leaned back with clearing her throat before turning to me with a beaming smile like nothing happened. I grinned back at her.

A Fralentine Story (A Valentine Special 2019)Where stories live. Discover now