Bye For Now, My Love

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  When Frisk asked why Papyrus wasn't here, I explained to her that Papyrus decided to train with Undyne while we were gone. When she asked me why they were training in one O' clock in the morning, I told her that Papyrus wanted to do it anyway since he'd never miss a day of training. 

  Frisk decided to take a shower because the wet grass, unfortunately, got all over her skin and all in her hair. She asked me if we had any shampoo in our shower and when I told her that we did, she asked me why. When I told her that Papyrus likes to keep his hair nice and smooth, she just laughed and dove into the bathroom. Meanwhile, while she was in the shower, I decided to call her home phone number to get Sans to pick her up. 

  "Sans, can I borrow one of your shirts?" Frisk called from the bathroom. I was solving today's 'Valentines special' crossword puzzle the whole time she was in the shower. I didn't even turn my head to look at her and kept my head on the puzzle I was doing.

  "Sure thing."


  "SANS! I'm naked over here! You have to get it for me!" Her sudden outburst caught me off guard and my newspaper nearly fell out of my hands from my jump. I rapidly turned my head to see her head popping out of the doorway, her arm holding the rim of the doorway to support her lean. I started sweating from embarrassment.

  "Yeah, yeah-" I started to stand up, my eyes never peeling away from her, "I can do that, yeah..." I threw the newspaper on the couch and self-awarely paced into my room to find her a shirt. Unfourantly, none of the shirts I had were long enough to go well past her thighs. Only my white T-shirts were found.

  "Uh, Frisk?" I called from my room.

  "Yes?" her meek voice called back.

  "Do you mind wearing my normal white T-shirts?"

  She didn't respond for a while but when he did, she started giggling. "Yes, Sansy, that was the one I was talking about".


  So, she wanted to wear my white T-shirt all along? I don't think she realizes how high up they're gonna be on her.

  "Frisk, you do realize that this shirt will only go down to your high thighs, right?" I avowed back to her.

  "Your gonna be the only one here, right? It'll be fine," she reassured. I wasn't quite sure it was okay for her to show her bare legs just because "I'm the only one here". I'm one of the people that wouldn't make it okay.

  "But, I'm...y-your gonna be...oh, nevermind! I'll just bring you the shirt!" I gave in. If she wanted to, I wasn't gonna stop her; in plus, how could I complain about that decision?

  As I was walking up to her naked self—covered up by the door she was poking her head out of—I was able to notice some things I hadn't before. She was dripping wet, especially her loose, straight hair that was dripping water all over our carpet. Oof, Imma have to clean that up later, I thought. Apart from the mess I'd have to clean later, I could see that her skin was very clean now, I couldn't deny that with how glossy it was. She was shinning like the sun and that wasn't only because of her beautiful golden skin but because of the warm smile she gave me as I walked up to her. Through all this, one of my biggest thoughts were (and I might be a little ashamed to admit this), Dang, I wish she'd open that door a little more.

  Once I handed out he shirt, she snatched it from me and dove right back into the bathroom. I shrugged it off and was about to turn around before she speedily came around again and gave me a sloppy, wet kiss on the cheek, so fast I almost didn't realize it happened. I shyly grinned while holding back light blush from feeling rather flattered. She was too sweet.

A Fralentine Story (A Valentine Special 2019)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora