Ember Eyes

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January 25th, 2005

       Chilling wind nipped at Bella's ears. Setting her backpack on the hood of her truck, she bundled her brown coat tighter around her and adjusted the matching wool gloves as she lightly bobbed her head to the acoustic music playing through her white earbuds.

It was the end of another school day; very ordinary...except for Edward Cullen returning to school after a week and a half. He actually had the decency to introduce himself and make conversation prior to their last encounter.

She didn't know what his problem was, but just by the time she'd already spent with him, she could see his facade; a mask keeping others away. She noticed that and was determined to get past it.

Edward Cullen had this mysterious aura that was hidden by his abnormal eyes that seemed to change from almost midnight black to a glimmering, yellowish gold that seemed to melt her insides and make them go lax. They were breathtaking-contacts or not.

As she dug through her backpack, she felt eyes glaring at the back of her head. She glanced behind her to see familiar gold eyes staring straight through her, etching a hole through her brain. A shiver coursed its way down her spine and she blushed.

There he was. His pose seemed statuesque, unreal as he leaned against his Volvo.

Her eyes darted away.


Startled, Bella whipped her head around. The blue van slid wildly over several parking spaces, tire tracks forming under burned out and heated rubber. It was coming towards her! Her life flashed before her eyes. She couldn't escape fast enough. Bella's back pressed into her truck waiting for the impact, waiting for her skull to crack against the pavement and her ribcage to compress like a car flattened in a crusher.

But it never happened.

Bella suddenly found herself on the ground held up by a rigid arm, crowded between her rusted truck and the blue polished van. Gazing up, she stared at the side of a sharp and defined pale face.

Edward's hand was pressed into the exterior of the van's door as the metal creaked; it was dented. Her lips parted in awe as he lightly pushed it away with barely any exertion from his wrist.

Gold eyes found her doe brown ones. 

Bella's heart sped. All she could hear was her heart banging against her non-crushed rib-cage and her heavy breathing. Their bodies were so close in proximity that their noses almost touched. For some reason, she longed for Edward's breath to cascade down her face and neck until she got immediate chill bumps.

 For some reason, she longed for Edward's breath to cascade down her face and neck until she got immediate chill bumps

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