Officially divorced

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Veronica Helmsley

I was watching Randy in his match with Kelly Kelly against Tyson Kid and Natalya. Brie, Nikki, Naomi, and AJ walk up to me with Bryan, John, Jimmy, Jey, and Punk.

"You ok?" John asks me.

"Yes. Thank you." I say.

He nods and then I see my que to walk out. My que? Kelly kissing Randy. The crowd was shocked. My fathers theme plays then I walk out with a mic in my hand as the crowd cheers.

Randy and Kelly look my way. Kelly clutched her divas title.

"Look, bitch... It's no secret that Randy and I are not working out. And yes, I'm not exactly in fighting condition at the moment... But I do know someone who wants her title back and is gonna be your opponent at Summerslam.... And Randy?" I say as Kelly clutched Randy's hand.

"Oh, Randy... I ALMOST feel bad about the beat down from hell your about to get... From the three men who will be protecting me and be my personal body guards until my baby is born." I say.

He starts yelling things at me. I put the mic down and walk halfway down the ramp.

"WHO THE HELL IS IT?!?!" Randy yells down at me.

I smirk.

3.... 2... 1..

Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta... Shield.

The crowd goes mental as fear rushes over Randy and Kelly. Seth, Dean & Roman walk down the stairs of the fans and then jump over the barricade and surround the ring. Together as one again. The Shield is back and more dangerous than ever.

I watched in pleasure as they demolished Randy. Kelly was crying at ringside. Bitch. I go up behind her and grab her hair as she screams.

I slam her face into the steal steps and then walk away. The Shield triple powerbomb Randy and I smile.

They help me get in the ring and we surround Randy. Roman hands me a mic. I look down at a dazed Randy.

"Randy... I hope that hurt. Looks like it did. The Shield is back and they are more dangerous than ever. Superstars, watch out. You could be next. Oh and Randy... One more thing..." I trail off as Randy got to his knees.

"I want. A divorce." I say.

The crowd cheers. Randy looks at me in shock and disbelief.

"No! It's not over until I say it's over!!" Randy yells.

Then... Randy was curbstomped by Seth and the crowd cheers.

The Shield's theme plays and I smile. I missed that. They do their signature pose and I step back and let them do their thing. They look my way and I give them the 'what?' face.

Dean gently takes my hand and pulls me over and makes my hand into a fist and puts it by theirs. I smile and the crowd was just going nuts.

They took me backstage and I was so happy.

"Damn! I'm gonna have to start locking my doors at night again." John jokes and we all laugh.

"No matter how much pain you've caused us all, I think I speak on be-half of us all, we're glad to have The Shield back." Bryan says.

"Thanks, guys. It means a lot." Roman says.

"Just keep our girl safe. No matter what anyone says, she's actually vulnerable for once in her life." Punk says.

Everyone, but me, laughs. I just roll my eyes.

"Keep her and her baby safe from that son of a bitch and his skank." AJ says.

I giggled at that. My parents walk up and everyone makes a path. I saw my dad hiding paperwork.

"We saw what happened. You guys did a perfect job. And I said I'd do my best to pay you back in return, Veronica. So... Here it is." He says.

I take the paperwork. I was shocked. Property of a big ass mansion, a new car, furniture for my baby, life insurance, security for the mansion, a big ass house, and... No way.

"No way..." I say.

"Yes. We did it." Stephanie says.

"I've been trying to get these but I've always been denied." I say.

"Well, I showed them the footage from earlier and they believed me." Dad says.

"What is it?" Roman asks me.

Everyone looked at me. I was so happy that I was crying. I'm free.

"Divorce papers. I'm officially divorced from Randy." I say.

Everyone cheers and I hug my parents.

"Thank you." I say.

"I also got you this. It just needs a signature and it's good to use." Dad says.

"A restraining order?" I ask.

"You know Randy's gonna come after you and the baby. Like he came after your mother." Dad says.

I nod.

"Ok. I'll sign it and have it back in the morning." I say.

They each kiss my head.

"Take care of her". Dad says to The Shield and they nod.

"He, nor Kelly, will get within an inch of her." Roman says, sternly.

"Thank you." Mom says and they leave.

I turn to the guys.

"Thanks, guys. Roman, Dean, Colby... You're all amazing." I say.

"Please. Call me Joe." Roman/Joe says.

"Jon." Dean/Jon says.

I nod and we leave.

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