Relationships & Slaps

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Roman Reigns

"I'm sorry." I say.

She turned in my arms and looks at me.

"Did I do something wrong?" She asks.

"No. No, you didn't do anything wrong. It was all me. I shouldn't have avoided you. It's just..." I trail off but she puts a finger to my lips.

"I understand. You were scared. You were afraid that if you fell in love again, you'd lose me like you lost Galina. It's ok." She says.

"But Jojo said you've been hurting yourself and crying because of me. How is it ok?" I ask.

"Joe..... I know you didn't mean to hurt me. I know you were scared. I get it. I was too." She says.

We were standing in the middle of the room now. Facing each other.

"Let me in." I say.

"What?" She asks.

"Let me take care of you. Let me prove to you I meant what I said two months ago. Let me cure your heart. I'll let you cure mine." I say.

"Joe... I don't know." She says.

"Just give me a chance, please." I barely whisper.

She looks at me and then surprised me. Why? Because she kisses me. I kiss back. I place my hands on her hips. We pull away.

"Ok." She says.

"So does this mean I can brag about you being my girlfriend?" I ask.

"Only if I can brag about you being my boyfriend." She says.

We chuckle and kiss again and then pull away and get our things and go to Raw with the guys and Jojo.

We got to the arena and I carried mine, Veronica, and Jojo's things to the locker room.

~Skip to in the locker room~

We're in the locker room and all dressed. Jojo was with the divas.

Veronica was in a Hounds of Justice shirt, black leggings with studs and 'X' crossed laces over leather on the sides, black leather flat boots, and a black leather jacket.

Her hair was curled and she had light makeup on. She looked so beautiful. She was accompanying us in our match.

"Ready, boys?" Veronica asks.

"Yup." We all say and follow her to the entrance.

We saw Evolution in the ring, talking smack as usual.

"You know it's pathetic that such a beautiful woman like Veronica could leave a champion like myself for a mutt like Roman Reigns. I could have given it all to her. I did. She's carrying MY baby. Not Roman's." Randy started ranting.

Jon and Colby looked at me. I held Veronica's hand.

Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta... Shield.

We all walked out and I saw Randy had the 'oh shit' look. Good. I helped Veronica over the barricade then Jon and Colby hopped over and we helped her into the ring.

"Randy... Just stop." Veronica says.

The crowd cheers and chants her name. She smiles at the crowd then turns her attention back to Randy.

"There's a reason you're my ex-husband. I have been through hell with and because of you. You didn't care about me. You were cheating on me with that fake blonde ass bitch that shouldn't even be a diva. She can't fight for crap. And as far as I'm concerned... My baby... Will NEVER call you "daddy"..." Veronica says.

Randy was seething. Veronica had gotten in his face. This girl is brave.

"As far as I'm concerned..." She trails off then points at me.

"That man is my baby's father." She says.

Randy was pissed. I smirked. The fans went insane. Jon and Colby smirked too. So did Veronica.

"Roman Reigns!"

"Roman Reigns!"

"Roman Reigns!"

"Roman Reigns!"

This went on for a good few seconds. I was laughing with the guys.

"And Randy... Look... Just face it...." She trails off.

He stares at her. She gets in his face.

"You're still just a boy... A growing boy... That couldn't and can't take care of me or this baby.... Where as...... Roman Reigns is a man. He can take care of me and my baby." Veronica says.

The fans cheer. Randy was pissed.

"So all I gotta say... Or do... Is this." She says.

We all looked at her in confusion. She then slapped Randy across his face. Oh shit! All you heard was SMACK!

Randy was pissed. I got in front of Veronica while Colby and Jon went to her sides. Randy paused.

He left and our music plays.

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