I'll Be There For You and Your Baby. I'll Help You Raise Her.

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Veronica Helmsley

Joe calmed down and the guys slowly started to let him go. He was panting. I turned to Randy and Samantha.

"I think it's best if you get your daughter and go." I say.

Randy gets Alanna and leaves with Samantha.

I turn back to Joe and he was still staring at the spot Randy was at. I slowly take his hand.

"It's ok, Joe. Come on." I say.

He looks at me and cups the back of my head and pulls me into a hug. I hug back. I felt his hand on my stomach. My little girl kicked and I smile.

"Everyone get back to work. If you see Randy, let me know." Dad demands.

Everyone nods and we all get back to work. I take Joe's hand and pull him along with Jon and Colby. We all went to the divas locker room.

"I'll get Joelle and we can leave, ok." I say.

Joe nods. I walk in and Tamina had a sleeping Jojo in her arms.

"Thank you." I say.

"No problem. How's Joe?" She asks.

"Still pissed but, hey, wouldn't you be, too, if your 7 year old daughter told you that your enemy tried to hurt her but was saved by a girl you barely know but are protecting?" I ask.

"True." She says as we laugh.

I take Jojo and put my leather jacket over her.

"See you later." I say.

"See ya." She says.

I walk out and see the guys waiting. Joe smiles at Jojo.

"Here, let me get her." Joe says.

I hand her over and he holds her close. He's such a good father. Randy seriously pushed it.

We all got our things and left the arena and back to the hotel. Jon and Colby were in their rooms, Jojo was in her room, too. I shared with Joe since we both refuse to let each other sleep on the couch.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, sitting next to me, on the bed.

"I'm aright." I lie.

He sighs.

"No, you're not. I can see it in your eyes. What's going on?" He asks.

I sigh. I can tell there's no getting out of this.

"I keep thinking about all the bad things Randy said to me. I keep asking myself is they're true. Maybe I just wasn't good enough for Randy." I say.

"Hey... Look at me." He says.

I shake my head. He then gently cups my cheek and makes me look at him.

"Randy is a son of a bitch that lost the most beautiful girl in the world. You should've been the center of his world. You should've been enough for him. He's just a bastard. Don't listen to him." Joe says.

I look at him.

"But now I have to raise my daughter alone. No one's gonna help me with the raising part." I say, crying now.

"Veronica, look at me." He says.

I look at him and he holds my hands close to his chest.

"You're wrong. You say no ones gonna help you with the raising part.... Well... Now you are. I'll be there. I'll be there for you and your baby. I'll help you raise her." He says.

I look at him in shock and disbelief.

"Joe, I can't ask you to do that. You already have Joelle and I wouldn't want your wife to think something's going on. I'd never forgive myself if she left you because you're helping me." I say.

He swallows hard and holds my hands closer to him.

"My fiancé... She died 2 years ago in a car accident. Crushed by a semi truck. She had gotten into an argument with her parents over what to do with the wedding... She was on her way home. I got the call about 20 minutes after she died. I was broken. Jojo was more broken. I had to stay strong for her. Galina passed away when Joelle was just 5 years old." Joe says.

I instantly felt bad. That's so sad.

"Oh, god, Joe. I'm so sorry." I say.

"You didn't know... I'm gonna be there for you. I'm gonna be there for your baby. Randy isn't gonna touch either of you. Ever. I can promise you that." He says.

I smile. I then realize how close we are. Soon, his lips were on mine.

I kiss back. It was slow. Soft. Sweet. I place my hand on his shoulder and his hand was on my hip. His other on my lower back and my other on his upper back.

We pull away after a good 5 minutes and decided to go to bed.

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