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After I had a good cry and Lauren sweared on her life that she would never leave me and that no matter what happens and that her house is always open for me, we then went to sleep. That night when I fell asleep I had another dream.

It was the middle of the night I had woken up by something, but when my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room nothing looked regular. I was in someone else's room. In fact I looked towards the window that was to the left of me and realized how high above the ground I was. This wasn't any ordinary room this was an apartment. Then the body next to me begin to awake. I looked over a sleeping Cameron who was now beginning to turn towards me. Was this what our future looked like? Living with Cameron? That's when I looked into the mirror and when the bruises on my face becomes noticeable. Was this from the last time he hit me?

"Mac, come back to me." He opens up his arms offering me a place to sleep. I cuddle deeper into Cameron arms as his aroma surrounds me. I relax and fall back asleep.

When I woke up I was cuddling my pillow. I looked around my room and noticed that the body that once was asleep next to mine was gone. Lauren must have left earlier. I look at the piece of paper that is on my bed side table that was not there last night.

'Had to leave for work, see you later tonight or tomorrow, I will keep you updated. Talk to that boyfriend of yours, he needs to know. Love ya, Lauren'

I roll my eyes and understand that she is right and that I do need to talk to Cameron and as soon as possible. As of right now, I need to clean the mess of my life up. I looked into the mirror that is in front of me and notice a bit of a bruise that is beginning form under my left eye. I touch it to see if it is real and the second my skin makes contact it hurts like no other pain I have ever felt before. The only time I can remember being hurt like this was in my dream, but that can't possibly be real, that was a dream and this is real life. I decide to take my mind off of my eye by listening to my best friend and contacting my boyfriend. He is probably working or is at home so instead of risking it I send a text message.

'Cam, can I see you today? I miss you and I haven't seen you in forever. Text me back lover boy.'

I cringe at the message I sent and I wait for a response back. In the meantime I decide to take a shower. After taking a shower I decide it's probably best to cover up the bruise because if I can see it, maybe everyone else can see it. So as gently as I possibly could I applied some concealer and then to top it all off I decided to put some powder over it hoping to hide it even more. Before I know it the bruise that was once under my eye and took most of the attention of my face was hidden. I was back to being Mac, the girl with a super hot boyfriend, with the best friend that beats every other best friend duo, but what they don't know about Mac is everything. Mac is pregnant at eight teen, hasn't told her boyfriend she is having his kid, and living on her own because her mother is too busy for her own daughter.

I shake the thoughts from head, and wipe the tear that is starting to form in my eye. Must be hormones I think, but a thought that makes me sicker is that it's because I'm pregnant. I get up from where I'm sitting on a stool that is in my bathroom. I walk out to my bedroom and change from my towel into a pair of blue jeans and a white sweatshirt, and to top it all off I paired it with my white slip in vans that Cameron gave me last Christmas. I ruffle my wet hair and decide to the best way to deal with it is to braid it into a side braid off the side of my face. I hear my phone ding and I decide to give into my curiosity to see who sent me a message.

'Lover boy? What generation are you from? Mac, I will pick you up from your house in ten minutes and take you to a luxury dinner of your choice, see you then baby girl'

My heart flips in my chest just thinking about him, I decide to kill some time and get some chores done before I run off and spend the day with Cameron. I decide to put my work uniform in the washing machine, so I can clean it now before I have to work again tomorrow. I then clean my room that has looked like a tornado hit it for the last two weeks. I make my bed so it looks so what more put together. I fold and put away clean laundry, and then put all of my dirty laundry in the hamper that is in my closet. My room is way less messy now, so I think it's a good time to now just wait for Cameron to come over. I turn off the light in my room and walk down the hallway and into the kitchen. I sit on a stool as I wait for Cameron to come over.

A knock on the main door stirred me into action, I make sure my braid is visible so I don't have the illusion that I look bald. I walk to the main door and check through the peep hole to make sure it's Cameron. I see my lover boy standing on my front porch wearing the jeans he hates that I got him for Christmas, he only wears them to please me and make it look like he likes his gift. He is also wearing a long sleeved shirt with his notorious shoes that he wears every where. He reaches to knock on the door again, but I am faster than him and decide to open the door. A smile begins to form on his face when I come into view from behind the door, which causes a bigger smile to form on my face.

"Lover boy!" I exclaim while leaning against the door frame.

"What if your lover boy still doesn't answer?" He responds to me with his arms crossed standing with his hip popped out and a smirk on his face. He knows this is from my favorite movie, and so I play along. I start to back up slowly and say back to him

"I simply say Baby, oh, baby, my sweet baby, you're the one." I backed up far enough for two people to fit in the entrance and to close the door. I motion at Cameron to come inside. He walks in quickly and shuts the door behind him. He picks me up, takes us into more open space, and twirls me around causing a fit of giggles to come out of my mouth. Once he puts me down he grabs my face and gives me a quick peck on my lips. He then grabs ahold of one of my hands and leads me out of the doorway. I stop to lock my front door before heading out, he lets go of my hand to go open my side of the car door. Once I step into the seat of the car, I pull my sweatshirt down farther ad buckle myself in because I know that this is going to be one heck of a day.

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