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I didn't get that much sleep last night. It wasn't because I was having nightmares, but that I have tell my mom and the Wilson's the truth. I have respect for my mother, but that doesn't mean her opinion about my baby matters. I love my mother, but I love the baby that my body made even more. I try to focus on something else, so I head toward the kitchen in hopes to make breakfast. When I turn around the corner I'm greeted with the presence of my mother. She notices me and continues to work on her paperwork.

"Mom, can you clear your calendar for tomorrow night? Cam and I planned a dinner at his place at around seven, and we really want you to attend."  I look at her hoping she is listening to me for once.

"Sure, I'll come after work." She says without looking up from her paperwork. I roll my eyes and make two pieces of toast and then head back to my room. I have about an hour until work, so I get dressed and finish my toast while scrolling through my phone. I get bored of sitting around so I throw my hair up into a messy bun which takes shorter than expected so I head into the bathroom to put on make up. The bruise that was forming on my eye isn't getting better, but worse. I sigh and do my best to cover it up and to make my face look like I had a full nights rest. I pick up my keys and head back out to the kitchen.

"Don't forget, tomorrow night at seven." I say as I head out of the door, with my mom still very deep into her paperwork. I turn on my car and roll my window down hoping to have the hot air escape the car. I pull up to Dorthy's and grab an apron and get started with my shift.

After about an hour into my shift I notice I get a table full of teens. I roll my eyes and realize I probably won't get a tip because parents don't make it a priority to teach their children curtesy to the people who work around them. I head up to the table and realize it's the freshmen golf team, and Cam is sitting on the end with his student golfers.

"Welcome to Dorthy's, what would you like to drink?" I say in my normal friendly tone. After taking all of their drink orders and Cam sealing his order of a tall glass of water with a wink, I walk over and get their drinks. I deliver their drinks and then attend to my other tables. After a while I return with my notepad and attend to the golfers needs

"What would y'all like to eat?" I ask and write down what they repeat back to me what they are craving. I enter their orders. Then I see Lauren approach me.

"Mac, how are you? Did yesterday go fine or better than fine?" I laugh noticing that my friend is freaking out just as much as I am for tomorrow. I take a deep breath.

"I'm great, everything when great, we are telling our parents tomorrow." I say as I feel my baby begin to stir. I put my hands on my stomach and enjoy the life that is moving around inside of me. I quickly grab Lauren's hand so she can feel what I am feeling too. She laughs and tears begin to come to her eyes. I laugh and enjoy this moment with my friend, until I hear the bell signaling that my order is up. I hide the tears that failed to escape my eyes, and grab the food off of the shelf and deliver the food. I go back to the register and divide the check into ten different checks and wait awhile longer so the boys have tie to complete their meal.

I head back to their table and disperse their checks, then begin the process of clearing away the plates, but before they leave Cam has announcement to make.

"You guys better tip, or you will run laps around the track for as long as I please." The kids faces are filled with horror as each of them pull out a five, which is way too much for a tip, but I don't interfere. Cam then goes up to pay. I clear some more of the dishes and on my way back to the table to clear more dishes, Cam stops me.

"Hey, this is for you." He hands me an envelope, and as he tries to walk away I grab his arm trying to catch his attention. Cam's famous love letters. He always knew how to cheer me up.

"My mom is coming tomorrow at seven after work, I will be there at six to make dinner." I say still holding onto his arm. He smiles and quickly pecks my forehead. The immature freshman then continue to make kissy noises as they leave the building making my face turn red. Cam adds to their immaturity by blowing me a kiss, and I of course respond by rolling my eyes.

I finish my shift up, and head back home. I feel as if I am covered in grease so I take a quick shower and let my hair dry as I get dressed and cover the bruise up again. I grab my bag that has my clothes for tomorrow and other essentials I need. I look at the clock and decide to head on over even though I will be early, but I know Cam will need help since he usually does everything last minute. I head on over and get let in by Cam, who is surprised by my appearance.

"I assumed you didn't have anything set up yet, so I came over to help you." I say smiling at him. He rolls his eyes knowing I'm right and lets me in. I go upstairs to grab all the spare blankets and pillows. I take a few trips up to the tree house to put everything in there. While Cam moves the furniture around so eight people can fit into to the treehouse and can sleep comfortably. After bringing all the blankets and pillows up I fold them and put them in the corner.

I sit down on the couch and relax. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I let Cam finish cleaning the place up on his own. My hands find my way  to my belly and I find myself just staring at it as if it is a foreign thing to me. I rub my belly and begin to poke at it trying to get my baby to repeat what it did earlier for Lauren. When I start to feel the kicks again a smile spreads on my face. I motion at Cam to come over who was across the room looking at me. He sits beside me and has his hands rest on his lap. I pick up his hands and place them where I feel the movement coming from. He smiles and I grab him and pull him into a hug where he embraces me tightly as well.

"Promise me, nothing bad will happen tomorrow." I say into his neck as I begin to play with his hair.

"Mac, I promised to you yesterday that I would not leave you, and I intend to keep that. Our baby girl is going to grow up with both of her parents in her life." I look up at him, and his face remains calm.

"Cam we don't even know if our baby is a girl." I say seriously, but can barely keep my laughter in. Cam picks me up bridal style causing my arms to quickly wrap around his head for support. Confusion fills my face and Cam notices.

"If you can keep a straight face, then it's a boy." He says with a grin taking up his face now. I look at him like he is crazy because he is.

"Deal." I say hoping I can beat him. His grin turns mischievous and then he lays back on the couch. He begins belly zerberts which causing uncontrollable laughter to flow from my mouth. He then picks me up and swings me around the room which causes more laughs to come out. He then sits down again with me on his lap then whispers in my ear.

"It's a girl."

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