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Cam and I stir away from each other when we hear Mrs. Wilson yelling up at the treehouse.

"Cam, the rest of your guests are here and are waiting on you in the living room!" Cam grabs my my hand and I follow him out to the the ladder. We walk inside and are greeted by our friends.

Jason brought his boyfriend Sam to the camping trip. They have been together for the last year. Jason had a hard time coming out his junior year because his parents were insanely religious and he was afraid it would mess our friend group up especially his friendship with Cam. When he finally came out we all cried, but most importantly we were there for him. The only times I have seen Cam cry was when Jason came out and when I told him I was pregnant. Anyway, Lauren was supposed to bring Chad, but instead she brought some guy named Shawn. It was an upgrade from Chad, but she could still do better.

"Are you guys ready to party?" Cam asks the group as he leads them over to the treehouse. Cam set up lawn chairs so we would all be able to fit in comfortably. The night was young, and we had no issues with that. I ordered the pizzas knowing people would soon start to get hungry. When they arrived, Cam insisted he would get them and that I should just keep still. If he keeps up this protective act, I will be having to explain a lot more than Cam being protective. Cam came back up with pizza and five beers. I roll my eyes because I thought tonight was going to be sober, alcohol free night.

"Mac, I'm not in the mood to drink you can have mine." Sam says to me. I shake my head and was about to answer back to him, but Cam felt the need to interrupt.

"She can't drink." Cam says so nonchalantly as if everybody knows I'm pregnant. Lauren looks over at me and gives me a warning glare. I step on his foot hoping he catches my drift, but it fails. Everybody else just let it roll off their shoulders.

The night continues and everybody is just enjoying each other's company, then we got on the topic of our future. Everybody went around and shared their future plans and dreams for how they wanted their lives to plan out. It all started with Jason.

"I'm planning on attending Southern Oregon University, but the only problem is that it is a thousand miles away from here. I'm excited that I will be going into the business field, but it has a few downsides. I'm really worried about leaving Sam here, but I know that I need to focus on schooling if I want to provide a future for us. I really want to grow old with Sam, and maybe throw a few kids in the mix, I don't know. All I know is that I want to focus on schooling right now, and then just live life." He grabs Sam's hand and motions that it's his turn to go.

"Well as you heard, Jason is planning on attending Southern Oregon University, but to be honest I could not stand having to go through another four years of college. As some of you know I have been working at a restaurant near Nashville as a chef. It has always been a dream of mine to be a chef of my own restaurant, and it is slowly coming true. Well something none of you know is that I got offered to work at a highly reputable restaurant thirty minutes away from SOU."

Everybody freezes and looks at Jason, and then at Sam. Jason is so shocked with happiness that he might be crying tears of joy. And Sam is just smiling like the friendly green giant. Nobody saw this coming so we continue on the edge of our seats for him to finish his story.

"So I bought an apartment down there that's about ten minutes away from campus, and I'm moving down there in a month or so. So I'm going to work there like seven days a week and spend what time I have off with Jason. I like Himes want some kids down the line, but my main goal right now is able to make a name for myself so I can potentially own my own restaurant one day." We all smile and applaud as Jason kisses a surprised Sam who is looking a lot more relieved than earlier. Lauren stands up as if she is trying to make an important announcement.

"Okay, if you don't know me I'm Lauren and I'm the most interesting person in this friend group." She says as she bows and as Jason takes a pillow and throws it at her face and sticks his tongue out at her. She fights back by throwing the pillow back at his head and blowing him a kiss. Then she decided to tell us her actual plans.

"I'm starting an internship in New York in December for Vogue.com. They seemed to really like my work, so Im going to being interning for social media marketing for six months and if all goes well I could be offered a job afterwords. Since I have a good three and half months until I have to move to New York, I decided that with some of the money I saved up and part of my parents graduation gift, I will be touring Europe for two months. Then I will settle down in New York with my new internship. I hope one day I will be lucky enough to get married and have kids, but who knows. All I know is right now I want to have fun and be young."

Lauren has loved fashion for as long as I have known her. She loves getting the opportunity to dress up and post about it. Ever since we met she has been giving me fashion advice and can always make the right picks on dresses for school dances and just date night outfits. She picks my outfits, and I take pictures of her outfits for her hundreds of thousands of followers on instagram. Her dreams were always too big for this small town. Lauren then sits down, but skips Shawn as the rest of the group insists that Cam goes.

"Well, I'm sure all of you know this, but growing up I loved golfing. All I wanted to do was play golf, so as long as I could remember I played golf. In high school I got a lot of offers from schools all over the place after I won state. I knew I didn't want to live far away from home, but I also wanted to play golf at some big university. So I went with Vanderbilt. I have been training all summer and my season starts this fall, and I cant be happier. I plan to marry Mac sometime after I graduate and then grow old with her. I can't even begin to imagine my life with out her. I don't know what her final decisions are, but that's for her to share after me. So, the floor is yours, Mac." Everybody applauds Cam as he takes his seat back again. I take a deep breath and stand up.

"Over the last few months I have had to make a lot of big decisions for what I want to do with my life. I could either move out of this town and make a name for myself or stay in the safety of this dead beat town. I was going to leave and run away to my dream vacation at Iceland for a period of time so I could write and relax away from the stress of high school. Until a big life block came into my life. Due to that life block I have decided to move in with Cam to an apartment down at Vanderbilt. I'm going to work as long as can until—"

I pause and I look at Cam as he nods and gestures for me to tell the group. I grab Cam's hand so he stands up beside me, he wraps his arm around me giving me some courage to continue my sentence.

"Cam and I are moving in together because we are expecting a baby. In about seven months Cam and I will officially be parents." I say as relief fills my body. I just wait for my friends reactions. Lauren gives me a supportive smile, and Sam begins to clap his hands as he walks over to me to hug me. He then places his hand on my belly and feels my growing bump. I laugh as Cam kisses the side of my head. Jason then gets up to give me a hug which I take openly.

"Do you know the gender?" Sam asks as Jason and him return to their seats. I look over at Cam who is already answering the question.

"It's a girl." Cam says as Sam's eyes grow very big.

"We believe it's a girl." I say to my friends, but Cam has grin that is taking up most of his face realizing I'm admitting heis probably right. He hugs me from the side, I lean into him accepting the love that filled me when everybody found out I was pregnant.

The rest of the night goes by slowly. We watch a movie on the projector, and Sam and Jason get to feel out baby kick. They seem really excited to be this baby's uncles and you can see it when they see my bump. We all got settled into our air mattresses while finishing the movie. I cuddled into Cam as he rests his arm on my belly. And before I know it I fall asleep without worrying about tomorrow.

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