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    The last thirty seconds have been spent in complete silence. Cam's eyes aren't bulging out of his face, and he isn't screaming so I have no idea how he is feeling about all of this. I just want him to rip the band aid off, to just tell me his cold hard truth.When he clears his throat I wait patiently for his words to follow suit.

    "So I'm going to be a dad?" He asks as his blue eyes seep into mine making anything else that mattered shrink away. I nodded as a couple of tears began to fall out of my eyes. That when he starts to cry as well as a smile takes up his face. He grabbed me carefully around my hips and pulled me onto his lap and just held me without his smile leaving his face. We stayed there for what feels like hours, but it was probably only a couple minutes. He keeps me positioned on his lap, but scoots me back a bit so we can talk face to face. His hands remain locked around my hips.

    "Mackenzie, I swear to you that I will always be there for you, and our baby. I will never leave you, I'm yours until the end." He still has a few tears streaming down his face so I wiped them off, Cam followed suit, but he let his hand linger on my cheek. At this point we were just staring into each other's eyes as our smiles stay plastered on our faces.

That's when closed the gap between us and he kissed me. Not like any kiss I have felt before, this wasn't filled with urgency and passion, but filled with pure love. The love that runs through my blood, The love that I feel for Cameron and our baby. That boy will become the death of me. We both pull away knowing that the love we have for each other is very real and no one is going anywhere for as much time that we have on this earth.

    "Do you have a bump yet?" He asks as he curiously looks at my stomach. I grab his hand and place it on my stomach. If you looked at me you could not tell I was pregnant due to all the baggy clothing that I have been wearing, but if you were looking at my bare belly you could definitely tell that something more was going on than just a big lunch. He begins to rub around my belly feeling where our baby is growing. And that was when he started to cry again, but these tears were different. They were of pure joy, he smiled at me before he lowers his head done to my belly and he begins to speak.

    "Baby girl I can never leave you." He said as if he was talking to my belly. A laugh escaped my lips, which only made Cam look up at me, smiling.

    "How do you know it is a girl?" I ask as Cam begins to rub my belly looking back at my belly. He lays his head on my belly with his face facing my body, he gave me one of those looks I knew too well, the 'I am right about this and there is no need to question my ways.' I started to brush my hands through his hair, and we remained on that couch for a while. Cam would occasionally kiss or rub my belly, then he would lie down again on my belly. After a few rounds of Cam playing with my belly I eventually fell asleep.

    Cam was sitting on the couch sprawled out playing on his gaming console. I was sitting in the kitchen looking out of the window. I picked up my phone and was scrolling instagram, I saw a new post of Khloe Kardashian and her baby True. A smile formed on my face when I saw the cute little girl. Then something appeared in my mind, and I checked my calendar to make sure I just wasn't overreacting, when I looked at my calendar I froze. I'm late.

    I walk past the living room making sure Cameron isn't doing nothing. I see that he is engrossed in his video game still, so I head back to our room. I open my bottom drawer and pull out the pregnancy test that I always keep in the house. I like to have one just Incase, for situations like this. I take it back to the bathroom, I do my business and wait impatiently for the alarm on my clock to go off. I begin to get deep into my thoughts about the possibility of me being pregnant. Until the noise of my alarm brings me out of thoughts.

    I take a deep breath and stand up from the place on the floor where I once was. I look at myself in the mirror. The bruise on my face is beginning to heal as my hand brushes over my face. I grow some courage and pick up the test. I take one last deep breath and look done at the test. The word pregnant appears on the screen, my heart stops. From this moment on my life will forever be changed. I put the test back in the box and hide it again in my bottom drawer. I walk out of my room and sit next to Cam and face him sitting with my legs crossed.

    "Cam?" I say hoping he would unfocus from his video game, but it went to no avail. I twiddle my thumbs, and then try again.

    "Cam, Can we talk?" I ask calmly hoping to reel him out of his game because I need to tell him the truth. Irritation fills my body and annoyance takes over my actions. I hit his controller out of his hands which cause his face to immediately turn red, and then I realized what I have just done.

    "McKenzie, what the hell is wrong with you? I was in the middle of playing that." He screams in my face, I can feel the heat of his words on his face, but also deep in my conscious. I take what's left of my courage and speak up to the monster.

    "I need to talk to you and you were too intrigued with that stupid video game." I spoke out of pure annoyance and then my words really sank in, but before I could apologize Cam's fist collided with my face, and that's when everything went black.

    I open my eyes trying to leave the bad images that were once in my head. I sit up and try to control my breathing. I grab my chest as I try to calm my pacing heart down. The weight that was once on my stomach has been replaced with a blanket. I look around the room to be greeted with the darkness of the tree house and no Cam to be seen. I do double check to see if he just isn't on the ground or something. I calm my own heart down and calm my own self down. The urge for needing Cam fades, but the anger never leaves. Who leaves a girl alone in a treehouse especially a treehouse that has no locks or any means of security.

     I pick up my phone that is facing down on the table hoping to find some clues of Cam's whereabouts. I check my message and see three unread messages, one from Cam, one from Lauren, and one from my mom. I open Cam's first where I'm finally greeted with his whereabouts.

    'I didn't want to wake you so I decided to make some dinner for us before I had to take you home.'

I roll my eyes and throw my coat on and safely head down the ladder that leads to the treehouse. The anger subsided when the thought of food overcame me and suddenly made Cam leaving not feel so bad.

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