Life goes on

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It was fun while it lasted. Maya graduated college, came home and had a wonderful party, went back to her old room and slept in it for the first time since Christmas break. But now it was time to face reality, unfortunatly life doesnt go on hold after college, it continues on. Causing Maya to face the fact that she needed to get moving on her plans.

Maya was currently on her computer creating a website that featured pictures of all her paintings that she had created and putting a reasonable price with a good description. It was an idea that her art professer had given her when she graduated. He even told her that after she created it to let him know and he would talk to the school about sponsering it.

As she was finishing the touches on it there was a knock on her door.

"Come in!" She called. Shawn opened the door with a smile on his face. He had a mug in his hands with a spoon in it.

"Hot chocolate, jsut the way you like it." He said as he walked towards her and handed it to her. Maya smiled as she looked in and saw the marshmellows and whiped cream in it.

"You remembered." She said as she scooted over on her bed to let Shawn sit.

"Of course i did, i may be getting older but my mind is still sharp." He joked. Maya smiled and took a sip of the hot substance before placing it down on her bed. "What you up to?" He asked her as he looked at her laptop.

"I'm making my own buisness website. Putting pictures of my paintings online and selling them. My art professer told me that as soon as i get it up, he'll talk to the school about sponsering it and gettig publicity for it." Shawn smiled and nodded his head.

"Sounds like a good start." He said. Maya nodded her head.

"Thats what I'm hoping for. I'm excited to be able to start my life. College was my first step into the world and now that it's over, it's time for me to grow even more independent and keep moving foward in life." Maya said with a smile on her face.

"I'm really proud of you, Maya. You've really grown up to be an incredible young woman." He told her. Maya smiled.

"Thank you, Shawn. And dont worry, I'll be out of your hair by the end of summer. You and mom can finally start on that nursery you've been wanting to do." Maya smirked at him causing him to laugh.

"Well dont get in too much of a rush. We missed you around here." He told her honestly. Maya smiled before going back to her computer. "I've also been thinking, until you get your own place and your buisness up and running, you're going to need a jump start on things, earn some extra cash. I want to offer you a summer job with me working on my website. Travel places with me on weekends, take pictures together, maybe get some bonding time in. Plus, I'll put your name on the pictures, give you and your buisness some credit. What do you say?" He asked her. Maya was in awe.

"I think you're the best father a girl could ever have." Maya told him honestly. "Thank you, Shawn." SHe told him. Shawn smiled.

"We'll start this weekend, maybe go uptown." Shawn told her as he got up and started walking out of her room.

"Sounds good." Maya told him. Suddenly her phone dinged with a text message.  A smile came on her face as she looked down to see a text from her best friend.

'Going to visit mom at work today, figured maybe you would like to come along ;)

Maya rolled her eyes at the text but smiled as she knew what Riley was implying.

I'll meet you at yours in half an hour... Shut up.

Maya sent the message and then got up to change out of her pajamas. She couldnt help but roll her eyes at the familiar butterflies that she was getting in her stomach at the thought of seeing Josh. She dressed in a simple pair of skinny jeans and an old sweatshirt that had thier old highschool football team logo on it. She had bought it one time in support of Zay and Lucas who was playing at the time.

Maya grabbed har jacket and bag before she told Shawn and her mom that she would be going out for the afternoon. She folded her arms around herself before she started walking the streets.

Riley and Lucas's apartment building was only a a few mintutes away from where Maya's parents were. So she didnt need to take the subway or a car. She made her way down the street of New York and enjoyed the crisp morning weather that she had missed since being in Califorina. Maya made her way up to the doors of Rileys apartment building and buzzed in. A few seconds later the doors were opening and Maya was making her way to the elevator and up to the floor that Riley and Lucas lived on.

As the doors opened she was met by Riley's smiling face.

"Peaches! I was just coming out to meet you." Riley exclaimed. Maya smiled at her over ethusiactic friend. Riley went to stand beside Maya in the elevator and pressed the lobby door number. The doors closed but the smile on Riley's face never ceased.

"So, whats the deal between you and my uncle?" Riley asked and smirked at her. Maya rolled her eyes.

"Doesn't take you long, does it?" Maya joked. "I just got back from college, and he is just starting his career as a lawyer. We both have a good life going, neither of us want to complicate things. I think we're just going to see where life takes us." Maya told her. Riley looked at her friend shocked.

"Who are you and what have you done with Maya?" She asked. Maya chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"You're so funny." Maya laughed at her. "I have done a lot of thinking over time while I was at college and I've decided not to rush things between Josh and I. He's not the type of guy that comes around all the time. If we ever get together I want it to last." Maya said causing Riley to smile.

"Have you told Josh this?" She asked her.

"I will, when the conversation comes up. We have plenty of time though." Riley smiled and nodded her head.

"Well, lets just wait and see how long it takes before my uncle decideds to jump your bones." Riley teased causing Maya to be shocked.

"Riley Matthews!" She laughed as she pushed her shoulder. Riley rolled her eyes as this before the elevator doors opened and they walked out.


Vacation is coming up soon, I promise. I'm just trying not to rush the story since I dont intend for it to be very long. That and I want Josh and Maya's relationship to be deeper before they decide upon this little... agreement. Enjoy!!

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