Back So Soon; Chapter 1

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Brian was stressed. The boys had just checked into a hotel in America and were trying to make a new album and go on a little tour. Brian was slaving away at the desk in his room for over an hour, trying to find inspiration. He was trying to write a song because he promised Freddie he'd have one for the next day but he just couldn't think of a concept.

Suddenly he had an idea. Maybe Roger could help. Roger did write very strange songs but they were creative and good none the less. Brian got up and made his way over to Roger's room. On his way, Brian thought about one of the songs that Roger wrote. Out of all the girls he's been with, his car still seems like the love of his life. Speaking of girls, there was one girl that Roger was flirting with at the airport. Katlyn, he thinks her name was... There was a feeling that Brian had when he saw them talking. A sort of angry and sick feeling. And sad. He felt sad.

By the time Brian snapped out of his thoughts, he had reached Roger's room. Suddenly, he grew extremely nervous. Ok ok you can do this... just walk in and don't be weird!

Since Brian was so nervous, he forgot to knock and just walked in.

Strangely no one was there. Oh wait never mind. On the bed was a naked woman sleeping on her stomach.

Jeez put some clothes on...

Just as Brian was about to turn around and leave, Roger stepped out of the bathroom. His blond hair was wet from a shower. Thankfully his back was turned to Brian so he didn't see him right away.

"Oh hey Roger... back so soon?" The girl asked. Brian then realized that the girl on the bed was the girl from the airport. Thankfully she didn't see him yet but when he turned to leave she screamed. In a panic, Roger dropped his towel and turned to Brian, but not before Brian saw... some things. Brian turned and walked out as quick as he came in.

I messed up I messed up bad! Ugh I'm so stupid! But it was Roger's fault for not locking the bloody  door!

Brian walked quickly back to his room, trying to get the image out of his mind. He wasn't necessarily bothered by the image, he just didn't like the fact that he invaded Roger's privacy and probably made a fool out of himself.

No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get the image of Roger with his back turned to him out of his head.

Oh god Roger probably hates me now I'm so fucking stupid!

The walk back to his room seemed to take forever but maybe that was a good thing. Maybe if he stayed away from Roger for a bit, he would forget everything that happened. Maybe. Hopefully...

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