Drama; Chapter 3

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Brian woke up as the alam clock blared a monotone beeping sound. It was 9:30 am and Brian had to get to the studio by 10. It was only about a 10 minute drive to the studio so Brian let himself sleep in later than he usually would. He sat up and mentally prepared for what was coming for the day. He usually liked to do that every morning so he knows what to expect and won't forget anything. Okay so I'll go to the studio and get my guitar... and then I'll show Freddie my song. Then I'll listen to anyone else's songs and work on those. Through this technique, Brian realized his notebook was still on the table so he got up and put it in his messenger bag. He then knelt down in front of his suitcase and got some clothes to wear.

After getting ready, he got his stuff and headed to the lobby. Once down there, he saw Freddie and Deaky sitting in the lounge area talking. Brian sat down next to them and told Freddie that he had a song.

"That's great, Darling. How long did you work on it?"

"Well it took me a while to think of a concept but once I had an idea of what I wanted to do I wrote it in around twenty minutes," Brian replied, while smiling. Freddie smiled and the three of them continued to talk for a few more minutes before deciding find out where Roger was.

"Maybe I should go to his room and find him. Perhaps he forgot or maybe slept in late. I'll go find out," Deaky said as he stood up and walked to the elevator.

Five minutes passed by before the bassist returned to the group looking worried. "I went to his door and I heard yelling. He was defiantly with someone..."

"Katlyn," replied Brian quietly.

"Who's Katlyn? Roger's girlfriend?" Freddie asked. Brian proceeded to tell them how her and Roger were flirting at the airport and how he saw her last night with Roger. Thankfully neither of the band members asked him when and where he saw her because then he would have to explain to them what happened with Roger the previous night.

"Hmph figures... anyways. She was obviously really mad at us. 'I don't want you with them. At least not when I'm around. They don't deserve you, those fags.'" John mocked her annoying high voice as he quoted what she supposedly said to Roger. "Then Roger seemed to get upset at her for 'telling me what to do' and 'insulting my friends'. So anyways, they're upset at each other and it doesn't sound like they'll be done arguing anytime soon."

"Thanks, John," Freddie replied. "D'ya reckon we leave without him. It doesn't seem like he'll be out here anytime soon and we only have the studio for a few hours today." The three musicians got up and left for the studio.

"Oh my, god. No wonder they flew us out to Los Angeles for this. This studio is beautiful!" Brian said as they entered the beautiful double doors into the fancy recording studio. The boys looked around a bit before someone ran out to greet them.

"Hello gentlemen. So glad you could make it. My name is Marvin Brown. You all can just call me Marvin. I own this studio and I'm so excited to work with you guys!" The man, Marvin, said. They introduced each of themselves to him and got work. A few minutes after they got their instruments out, (which had been brought to the studio the previous night) a very disheveled looking Roger came crashing through the doors.

"Sorry I'm late! There was... traffic..." Roger shut up as he saw their faces. "Okay... so um what are we doing?"Marvin introduced himself and told Roger to get ready to play.

"Why? Aren't we just recording?" John asked.

"The tour. Remember?"

"Tour... I thought that was just a dream... or I hallucinated it or something." John looked at Marvin confused.

"You don't know about the tour?! You all were so drunk when he called. I was only just a bit buzzed. That's why I remember," Brian smirked at the rest of the band. This was his revenge. The others always liked to play little jokes on Brian. Usually something that seemed harmless but was actually really hurtful the longer it went on. One time Brian said something that the rest of the band didn't think was true. It was something about the star, in the dog constellation named Sirius. The fact was proved to be wrong due to some research a certain annoying blond did just to prove him wrong. For weeks, the band mocked him and told him that his phD in astrophysics was useless and stupid. It seemed harmless but memories were brought up that Brian would rather forget.

This was it. Brian's playful revenge story that he would tell his future kids for years. 

"What do we do?!  The fans will be so disappointed when they come to the concert and see boring us in our boring normal clothes. Did we even bring any petals or amps?!" Freddie sat down and looked like he was having a panic attack. Oh god now Brian felt bad. This was supposed to only affect Roger! Roger was the one who made fun of Brian. Brian chewed on his lip for a second and let out a sigh.

"Guys... Don't even worry about it. Everything is taken care of." The band looked at Brian with panicky and scared looks on their faces. "The crew brought all of our equipment and clothes here. This was supposed to be a joke but I felt bad. Sorry." Brian looked at them with a hopeful smile, waiting for them to yell at him or forgive him. Hopefully the latter. 

I hope they aren't mad at me for too long. Tours never go well when there's drama. Why did I do this? 

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't posted in like 2 weeks. I just had a lot of homework and projects to catch up on. I went on an orchestra field trip to perform at an Elementary school and I missed like 3 homework assignments and 2 projects. I wish I was joking. Anyways thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the next chapter! I always appreciate your feedback and comments so keep commenting and stuff byyyyyeeeee

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